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  1. Oldpunk

    Tribute song to the great Nasuada!

    Here you go Kaloyan, some starter rhymes to get going ;) Dunlops Cyclops Bottle shops Opium crops Policy flipflops Wet nose dripdrops Cowboy Bee-Bops Ray Charles doo-wops Longdrops Cheops Psy-ops Photo-ops Colossal flops Malt and hops Call the cops BG pops Brow he mops His donkey clip-clops Till...
  2. Oldpunk

    Men's Colognes?

    I was on the Metropolitan Line once when a young guy got on and sat next to me, and I normally pay no attention whatsoever to other people out in public but this guy I immediately noticed, because he smelt *like a god*. So we sat there, passed a station, then another, and I thought damn, any...
  3. Oldpunk

    F2P Faction Imbalance

    A simple proof: Bearmoncat the Horde perma-leech has experienced a drop of 11/12% (AB/WSG respectively) win rate since patch. Poptartz his Alliance alter ego has experienced an 11/12% increase. This is a player that goes into kitty stealth at the beginning of every BG then stays in stealth...
  4. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    @Neon What are you doing Ole?
  5. Oldpunk

    Tribute song to the great Nasuada!

    I *love* it. Gonna make it my wallpaper for a while. Maybe you will get into the folklore a bit more when you get older... it takes quite a few decades to appreciate some types of things.
  6. Oldpunk

    At what point in your life did you made an Xpoff/TI account?

    Only 15 years after I started playing WoW which for me is a speedy piece of action ;) Before that I lurked here but only for useful info, not for chitchat. Before that I lurked at Twinkinfo likewise, and before that I lurked at Elitist Jerks. I have a funny story about Elitist Jerks actually.
  7. Oldpunk

    Tribute song to the great Nasuada!

    What is that painting on the wall behind you?
  8. Oldpunk

    Do I roll NA or EU?

    I played on both. Moved from EU zone to Oceanic after WotLK and ping time noticeably worse to get to EU so switched to US wow. Side note - personal opinion, socially speaking EU > US. Unless you like to hear all day "anal blah/your mama blah/suk my dik blah/uninformed-but-fervently-held...
  9. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    Three pieces of music that go together in my head
  10. Oldpunk

    EU+US F2P picture thread

    Hanging out with the Gob Squad... wh-?! oi, Volt! Don't point that thing at me!!!
  11. Oldpunk

    EU+US F2P picture thread

    Beware alliances! Undead stealth shadow werewolves are stalking you... Angry turkeys are also coming xD
  12. Oldpunk

    [POLL] Anon Posting?

    You raise a very valid point. There there, I voted "keep" on your behalf since I'm 50:50 about it myself :P Although I would vote "get rid" if the mods weren't doing such sterling work of weeding out the facepalm posts. If they are.
  13. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    The Toni Romiti track is awesome <3
  14. Oldpunk

    Who owns this website now?

    I thought you owned 1c worth
  15. Oldpunk

    F2P Faction Imbalance

    I'm 6 losses for 7 games so far today. And only one of those losses wasn't embarrassing. My toes may never uncurl.
  16. Oldpunk

    F2P Faction Imbalance

    Yes, you might be right. I dunno. I was also possibly exaggerating, I haven't kept an actual record. If I was a more organised person I'd keep a record instead of relying on subjective/gut feeling. But then I'd have to be... someone else..!
  17. Oldpunk

    F2P Faction Imbalance

    Can only lol at alliance players rolling up here with their big eyes on, to say they don't see a problem. I bet they don't! xD Think Horde has now lost 19 out of the last 20 games I've been in, US/Oceanic side. And while, yes, I am the only constant, and therefore it might *all* be my fault...
  18. Oldpunk

    Post your old school twinks

    This is my oldest twink, a 29 warlock on EU with "Scout". I honestly can't explain some of the weird gear choices... other than to say I never read websites or took advice back then, lol xD
  19. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    Too macho round here, time to girlie things up :p PS if you get to 2:22 the video gets even more surreal