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  1. Oldpunk

    Guild <APES> first to down Ragnaros (Gehennas - EU)

    The immortal words of Shakespeare come to mind. Quoth Ophelia: To say of shit, that it seemeth legit Render it neither legit Nor any less shit Least, think it was Shakespeare. Might have been Jesus. Or Snoop Dogg.
  2. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    Huh, ty Tom for letting me know. Must be a zoning thing as they show up fine for me. I have swapped them for different uploads of the same tracks. Edit - one still didn't work. Third time lucky... maybe... Heard this on the radio in my car the other day, forgotten how much I loved it
  3. Oldpunk

    Method covering the "Race to 60"

    That's insane.
  4. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    Over 14 minutes of bliss...
  5. Oldpunk

    Name "reservation" bragging/raging thread

    Are you still on Arugal? I went Remulos for the easy login times. So far my priest is level...8... and I have a majestic 10s.
  6. Oldpunk

    Name "reservation" bragging/raging thread

  7. Oldpunk

    Arena Ladder Opt-In (All Brackets and Regions)

    Can't find the charity to respect arcane mages who show up on this list.
  8. Oldpunk

    Original Leeroy Jenkins YT upload with better quality

    That looks like the same raid but from the PoV of a different player than I remember. But thank you <3 Edit - Actually I think it is the same video and I'd just forgotten how cluttered our UIs used to be! All-priest raid, man, I would love to try that. If anyone wants to try to do it in...
  9. Oldpunk

    Original Leeroy Jenkins YT upload with better quality

    A paladin in Devout gear /shudder. If anyone can find the video of a 40-priest raid (from Germany I think?) downing Onyxia (soundtracked to "I'm just a girl") I would be very happy.
  10. Oldpunk

    Arena Ladder Opt-In (All Brackets and Regions)

    Possibly, but the teams I was up against didn't seem elite at all. I mean, one I beat as a shadow priest xD The other beat me (warr and rogue vs SP) but it you couldn't call it a stompage, it took them a while, and not being much used to arenas I made plenty of mistakes.
  11. Oldpunk

    EU+US advice for rets and fury warriors be4 brewfest

    In order to stay loose, first you need to... Get loose!
  12. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    @Twobuttons "I Ran" should be the themetune for certain twinks I know, haha! Or this... Fuck it let's have an Animals fiesta!
  13. Oldpunk

    Arena Ladder Opt-In (All Brackets and Regions)

    The last 2 skirmishes I've been in (bearing in mind I queue solo), I was the only one in my team. No one else showed up and i played 1v2. Managed to win one of them lol xD But what is going on? Why is the game putting me in all by my lonesome?
  14. Oldpunk

    xpoff buddy appreciation thread

    I like everyone who posts in the F2P picture thread, and in the music thread <3 Oh, and @Vortex too ofc.
  15. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

  16. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    ... and for kids who are too young to remember the original
  17. Oldpunk

    US solo queing againt a premade

    That many on your tail, you should take that as a compliment :)