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  1. Oldpunk

    EU certain 19s making 20 vets

    19s were doing alright when the split first happened. If 29s had joined 19s it would be a healthy bracket. But they joined 20s instead, which, let's be honest, wasn't the brave choice.
  2. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    OMg I love Woo Hah! Can't believe I never heard that one before (have heard of BR ofc). Thank you for linking!
  3. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    This thread often feels like people are talking, but no one is listening... So here you go Kaxle - a (very brief, sorry) song review! Memo 600 x King Von - "Exposing Me" Aural: - good intro, ominous mood, builds up interest - vocals sounded slightly more adventurous than most US hiphop? Visual...
  4. Oldpunk

    Twinks entering XP-on BGs is probably about to get fixed

    I'll believe it when I see it. Blizz traditionally has only two operational speeds: 1. Fix things same day; or 2. Fix things years later.
  5. Oldpunk

    F2P Faction Imbalance

    S/he's not wrong. At least, for the last 2 or 3 weeks it's been that way. Think I've lost every game I've played last two weekends. Bad losses too. Not fun losses where you at least made them work hard for it. You know in Tintin, where the Thompson twins are driving along in the desert, and a...
  6. Oldpunk

    US Hey people.

    Good, good, Alliancer schweinhund is worried >:) good sign!
  7. Oldpunk

    20s and 29s

    Please tell your dad that he can still play unsubbed, with a lvl 20 SP, and that bracket pops all the time. I would be so happy to see him back <3 Edit: call new char "Smalldog" x)
  8. Oldpunk

    EU+US The basic tango - A F2P Discipline Priest guide

    Holy - I've tried a few times, last year and this, to change to holy, I always revert to disc. Not because holy's no good but because it's quite a different playstyle and once you've been playing disc for long enough, holy doesn't feel like it makes sense. I'm pretty sure that if you started off...
  9. Oldpunk

    Fenissa The Assasin

    I believe she can be in two places at the same time. There can be a copy at the Cryo-core and *also* at the Vector Coil. At the Cryo-core she does a loop, stealthed so you won't see her (but the macro will), close around the outside wall of the building. She does not go inside. You can go up...
  10. Oldpunk

    Fenissa The Assasin

    Here's how you do it: 1. Make your targetting macro like: /tar Feni (as short as possible to minimise risk of typos) 2. Hang out at the Cryo-core, spamming your macro 3. After killing her at the Cryo-core make your way up to the Vector Coil and spam your macro around in a loop up there...
  11. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    Taxonomy fail. Punks and hippies are natural enemies :P Well I suppose if you define hippie as 'interested in asian cultures' and 'likes trippy stuff', I could be... hippie-adjacent... PS the Killswitch song is actually quite good
  12. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    @Neon ... if I may reply to you in your language ... and then speak to you in mine
  13. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

  14. Oldpunk

    EU+US The basic tango - A F2P Discipline Priest guide

    · This spell prevents stealth being broken by DoTs, keep your rogues and druids happy I never realised this. Not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean if you bubble a dotted player, they can re-stealth?
  15. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    I hear your sound of Perseverance! My ears are only slightly bleeding now... damn, that guy can hit some high notes o_O But, persevere as you might, you cannot defeat me by means of speedthrashdeathmetal. I was born in it, moulded by it. I was at a Slayer gig the night @Neon was born...
  16. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    It is now only a matter of days before @Neon posts an Iron Maiden track ;) But before we run to the hills we have a little time, so let's explore something sublimely beautiful:
  17. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    Interesting... nice choice. You almost checkmate'd me there. But I see your CoF and I raise you Mark Lanegan covering the XX ^^
  18. Oldpunk

    Currently Listening To...

    Urgh Neon you sentimental sap. That song gave me arthritis. Here's one for you. Live a little <3 @Neon
  19. Oldpunk

    US Is this still a thing?

    But only if you're a half-assed player. If you're any good, join Horde :P