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  1. busgaga

    EU+US Real 60 Twinks

    You can have 69s in the other thread, You missing the point, would be nice to see the oldest toons and just have a look at them. This is a start.. There's tons of alts and more ppl I know off, I'll put em here laters I don't know any from US so make you put your own or your friends char here
  2. busgaga

    60-69 69 Fury Warrior Twink 6

    What for are u Making a 69 ? Bgs are separated, going for whks? Why not 60 IF so.
  3. busgaga

    EU+US Real 60 Twinks

    They left cause of 69s, Theres Still loads of 60s but they probably Playing end game or other brackets I Will drop some armory here later. Theres already proper twinks on 60 armory list but i wanted to make a bis list for old twinks. High hks and GF Gear . I know a couple names from wotlk...
  4. busgaga

    EU Wsg/ twin peaks 5v5 Wargames

    I would gladly join but im on EU sadly... Us seem to have Good activity
  5. busgaga

    EU Wsg/ twin peaks 5v5 Wargames

    Eu or US ? I have a 59 nearly bis
  6. busgaga

    EU Wsg/ twin peaks 5v5 Wargames

    Wod memories. Bad xpac but Good activity.
  7. busgaga

    EU Wsg/ twin peaks 5v5 Wargames

    Any interest now when bgs are more or less gone ? 5v5 is a Good start as i dont know how many 60s Still around?
  8. busgaga

    EU/US HOW TO QUEUE BG as a Twink since 8.1.5 GUIDE

    Sadly this is getting fixed. This worked in wotlk also then they blocked all similar macros, Be fast, If u have to grind ur last rep, DO it
  9. busgaga

    EU+US Real 60 Twinks

    :) Always curious to see old twinks. 60 ofcourse tom.
  10. busgaga

    US My rank 1 60 push (BFA season 1)

    Sadly no1 competes in this bracket bfa, in wod There was Many 60s queuing through 2s arena system. Was just 2-3 teams that gave real challenge.
  11. busgaga

    EU+US Real 60 Twinks

    Drop Your name here and ill make sure we have all 60s that has been with us since Many years Ago. Grandfathered Gear, enchants, Hks or playtime Eu
  12. busgaga

    Level 60 Raiding on retail.

    I would join You if this was EU. Sadly these projects dies to fast but if Therese something u should try is molten core, this Raid since bfa is buffed, trash mobs hits harder than before and they have more hp. Not sure about Bosses yet but i Guess first One has about 800 k AQ 10 is Broken as...
  13. busgaga

    EU+US My thermonuclear take on the separation of twinks and levelers

    There's stil two options.. Either farm wsg/twins with picking flag and gy farm 19mins and /afk Or try the exploit that worked 5 years ago with entering bg at the same time ur locking ur xp The best is to be 3 in a grp and farm gy tho
  14. busgaga

    Confirmed✓ Twinks can no longer que into Levelers✓

    Don't be too sure about what gms tell. I asked about getting my last rep for my dk to get conquer and in that discussion he said Wait... Can u queue into levelers ? Ur not supposed to be there, xp on can only meet xp on. So some of gms are not even updated about the game. They are In live...
  15. busgaga

    EU+US I want to make a 70 ...change my mind?

    79s is not needed to beat levelers, they are used to beat 70 old school twinks. I Guess this bracket contains 90 percent 70s and 10 79s so. Theres worse bracket like 60-69 wich contains 50\50
  16. busgaga

    Am I wasting my time making this DK? 59

    No. You can't macro pof anymore. Unholy is not what it was in wod or mop. U had tons of abilities and it was the most funny specc ever. It required some attention back then. I know what I'm talking about. Which means, if u had ur pof in ur smashing macro it means uve been playing without it...
  17. busgaga

    Am I wasting my time making this DK? 59

    Spend runes correct before u pull pillar of frost yeah? Each rune spending after will give u another percent of total strenght. I rather stick to 23-24 percent than 15- 17 Overall frost is easy. So is Unholy, Unholy at 59 feels like an uncompleted specc that lack something. But this tip was...
  18. busgaga

    Am I wasting my time making this DK? 59

    I guess your talking about gnaw? It's nerfed since wod to 1,5 min cd and stun lasts 1 sec. It's not an interupter BTW. Unholy dmg is probably worse than blood. The only viable specc that has some serous bursty dmg is frost. You have pof every 45 sec which Gives u up to 24 % total strenght...
  19. busgaga

    Enchanting shoulders from a dungeon? How do people do it?!

    Most of insc enchants requires cata insc or mop insc to even work. Attachment itself Will show but it Will be marked with red text saying " requires cata insc " or something similar Some ppl enchant boe shoulders with a trade glitch. But thats another story
  20. busgaga

    US LF someone good at shoulder/pants trade enchant, compensating well

    Not even THE best person in Your opinion Will make it 10 out of 10 Times.. I did suceed 4 Times in att row, then 5 mins later it failed 3-4 without bindning it tho. I basicly cancel it to fast. Rather than waiting to Long. Im not The best ofc, but the way u think its done is retarded...