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  1. Hello! New twink in trouble.

    Well anyway, thanks for the opinions and help was much appreciated. Though are there really any games at 10-14 with locked xp? all I can see is unavailable all the time.
  2. Hello! New twink in trouble.

    Ehm.. change on plans.. level 11.. had lvl10 hardly without any xp gathered and figured to go get ironman from normal.. ofcourse I forgot.. that it is WSG weekend.. around 9k xp or something and almost dinged me twice. Though luckily only thing I lost mostly is a little bit of dodge since I got...
  3. Hello! New twink in trouble.

    Hmm thats basically what I meant, rogues are good at lvl10 but at the same time it is kinda important for them to be lvl14.. I like the stats of a 10 but I hate that people can see me almost like from midfield especially if they are ranged.
  4. Hello! New twink in trouble.

    I appreciate the advices on the gear and as rogue I keep doubting the level 10 just because I feel like the level 14s can see me from miles away. Oh and another question: how is the neck any good as rogue at lvl10-14? just wondering.
  5. Hello! New twink in trouble.

    Hello, I have been thinking of making a twink because I haven't had one since probly TBC or Vanilla. Now I finally got myself to make one (Oh I am from EU server Frostmane if there are any others, which I highly doubt tho) Here is an armory link Nekroosi @ Frostmane - Game Guide - World of...