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  1. Bubbie

    EU Horde Plebmade/Wargames | Saturday, 14th of April

    It'll probably be random. There aren't even 10 people signed up atm. I assume they will try to mirror the teams as closely as possible though.
  2. Bubbie

    Holy Paladin BIS Question

    No, BiS is your full armor type, so for paladin you'd want plate in every slot, mail for every slot as Hunter etc., Lucky Fishing Hat is BiS for Cloth.
  3. Bubbie

    Holy Paladin BIS Question you can wear it mainhand and offhand for ilvl boost, but it doesn't count as a weapon so wearing it MH like @necroaqua said probs isn't best idea as hpala cus you can't crusader strike (mayb not THAT important but I still use it)
  4. Bubbie

    EU Horde Plebmade/Wargames | Saturday, 14th of April

    it takes under 2 hours to lvl a new char to 19 and equip it with white gear n shit, it's worth doing to have classes which you enjoy on both factions for times such as this
  5. Bubbie

    Holy Paladin BIS Question

    shield for armor
  6. Bubbie

    EU+US TILTING sap into afk repick

    oh sry i meant rog lessons from a relevant player, do u even log in anymore
  7. Bubbie

    EU+US TILTING sap into afk repick

    'sap into repick' where is kick needed?
  8. Bubbie

    EU+US TILTING sap into afk repick

    @saxxon hey do u do rog lessons ??
  9. Bubbie


    he makes the best worst 1 hour long pvp vids
  10. Bubbie

    bloodfang helm?

    I asked about this on the day of 7.3.5 launch. The GM told me it's intended. You can't mog items that aren't meant for your level bracket. The mask is from WoD, so it's 90+. It doesn't really explain invasion weapons though since we can mog the invasion gear.
  11. Bubbie

    @Holythane noob vid :s

    @Holythane noob vid :s
  12. Bubbie

    EU New + 19s look cool

    1. There are no 'best' realms to be on as the EU twinks are split, I'd suggest either Silvermoon/Draenor/Stormscale for horde and Outland is the only 'active' Alliance realm I see. 2. Pretty much everything is somewhat viable 'cause a lot of the time you're playing against a team with majority...
  13. Bubbie

    u ok saxx

    u ok saxx
  14. Bubbie

    EU+US Why Twinking has become better in Legion. Asking about the attitude problem.

    ilvl 26 sub rogue 510 gloomblades ilvl 46 sub rogue 540 gloomblades ye you're right fuck ever queing with ilvl 26 my dick will be inadequate
  15. Bubbie

    EU+US Grandfathered gear

    The Rock is bis ring at ilvl 60. If you're not fond of using white gear, then Argas comes in second at ilvl 32 and then GF'd rings Seal of Wrynn at 31 and Seal of Sylvanas at 29. If you want to wear your ring for swag points, go for it, you may lose 1-2 stam but fuck it. Swag. As far as I've...
  16. Bubbie

    XPOff load times are painfully slow

    exact same thing happens to me, it fixed itself for like 3 hours few days back but then randomly fucked up again
  17. Bubbie

    @Bestworld Not bad yourself, kid. : )

    @Bestworld Not bad yourself, kid. : )
  18. Bubbie

    EU+US Why Twinking has become better in Legion. Asking about the attitude problem.

    noob it's for checking what your mastery at level 19 would be if you actually had it..................