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  1. RE: Resilience Buff

    Except for the fact that the only time its really unbalanced is at very low levels, such as 10-15, and even then you need a significant amount of resil, typically 15 resil to chest (which you cant get on a BoA, and therefore would be more likely found on a twink).
  2. A 'real' solution to low level resil

    Its the only way its actually going to get noticed by Blizz
  3. RE: Resilience Buff

    Except thats not what they said.
  4. A 'real' solution to low level resil

    We've been saying repeatedly that one of the main reasons the resil problem wont get fixed anytime soon is because this only affects twink brackets. But really though, who is to say that this SHOULD only affect twink brackets? If you want to be proactive about getting Blizzards' attention...
  5. In regard to the level 10 'problem'

    Its pretty easy to see your posting is nothing more than trolling, since youve been caught on multiple occasions completely changing around what is said to try to make it look good from your perspective. It seems your name isnt only a reference to your ability to play the game anymore.
  6. Bump Post To Fix Lvl 10 Resilience Twinks

    Mad is definitely not the right word. I just hop on my 19, see if theres a level 10 FC for the other team. If there is I go play an enjoyable bracket, or do something else. Or, if we're ahead and a level 10 has the flag, we just all turtle on defense letting the offense come to us
  7. Bump Post To Fix Lvl 10 Resilience Twinks

    Cool move, now youre playing it off that youre one of the people who are 'fighting the good fight'
  8. RE: Resilience Buff

    The only thing the quote talks about is possibly reverting the change AT level 85, therefore not affecting us in the least.
  9. In regard to the level 10 'problem'

    Cool, so 450 profs allowed 6 twinks to attack 1 twink for an entire bg without killing him. Thanks for clearing that up.
  10. In regard to the level 10 'problem'

    Id like for you to name one thing in Twinkings history that was powerful enough to allow one person to sit midfield for the duration of a game, be attacked by 6 DPS, and /rofl at them the whole time
  11. Level 10s: Serious?

    Funny, you dont even know why your precious level 10 is more powerful to begin with. Here's a tip for you child: Resil currently doesnt have diminishing effects against higher level targets, thats the whole reason you have 95% DR vs level 19 characters. That is a BUG, not a buff.