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  1. Klinda

    Post your 6.0.2 info here!

    my f2p addon is not working, i'm sure someone has posted something somewhere but can anyone tell me how to get it working again? esit: Nvm, just had to choose "Load Old Addons" option
  2. Klinda

    Hunters 6.0

    Has anyone tamed a Hydra yet? Or are those considered exotic and untamable for f2p?
  3. Klinda

    MrCer has joined back and Streaming again!

    On behalf of BWL, I'd like to say Welcome back to one of the earliest and fluffiest druids to grace the f2p bracket!
  4. Klinda

    Post your 6.0.2 info here!

    Files are still patching for me, probably won't be playing till Thursday. How is mana for healers? Do we go oom like in cata if we spam? or can we still mindlessly healbot and still be fine? How are healers in general? Are they Op? killable? Does it take more than one person to kill a healer?
  5. Klinda

    Reflecting on an Expansion

    I'm a healer, I just love to do it, it's something that chose me ya know? I didn't really choose it, so when I came back to wow which was sometime after the entire holy pally one shot thing at the start of mop, healers were just so OP, it was totally insane. At first I enjoyed it, but over time...
  6. Klinda

    F2p warriors in the prepatch

    So it appears everyone gets the new character models by default? Edit: Also, is av confirmed? Were there no pops for av or you just didn't record? Nice vid btw, probably won't be touching my war anymore :(
  7. Klinda

    Time Lost Proto Drake

    I remembered I farmed for that in wotlk on my shaman, waited a couple hours then decided to lvl my rogue for a couple of levels, logged on back to my shammy to see TLPD dead and looted :( If anyone on a f2p has looted the drake it would probably be Felix.
  8. Klinda

    10v10 UP premade this suday (08/17/14) after fishy tourney Sign-Up

    that was my first game on my pally in 7 months, could have played way better, but a win is a win right? Also, did you record that game?
  9. Klinda

    Lore Breakdown of New Cinematic (WoD)

    I thought Garrosh's original intentions when going back in time was to stop the orcs from being enslaved by the legion, why would he drink the blood? And has he already done so in the present timeline? If so, that should be more reason why he shouldn't, he would just be repeating the same mistake.
  10. Klinda

    F2P Casual Chat

    Awesome, how do you like it? What do you do? I've always wondered how daily life would be living on a farm.
  11. Klinda

    F2P Casual Chat

    Do you work and/or live on a farm?
  12. Klinda

    Custom forum signatures by bend

    that cow doesn't look half bad :)
  13. Klinda

    Create your DK now

    I remember some time ago Lil organized a f2p dk honor farm for mounts which ended up not working out because there were so few people who showed up. I'd say the time is right to maybe try it again, for anyone who may want to get there hands on a pvp or wintergrasp mount.
  14. Klinda

    If you want your bracket to be better ...

    Best quote ever :)
  15. Klinda

    10v10 UP premade this suday (08/17/14) after fishy tourney Sign-Up

    I think I can make this, I would like to dust off my hpally and provide heals... FOR THE HORDE!!
  16. Klinda

    Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec combos.

    Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com This laptop is a crappy one, I don't think It can handle the add-on, it can barely handle wow. I'll try to add it tomorrow before I log on.
  17. Klinda

    Fearthebuns Stream: Ursinites

    Currently watching, and I'm enjoying it, not disappointing at all :) Katy Perry ftw :)
  18. Klinda

    Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec combos.

    Re: Bwl Baddies Update. Now looking for underpowered / underplayed. Class n spec com Anyone who plays on BWL plz add Namikaze to your friends list, my new priest who is geared enough to do bgs and stuff :) my btag is Klinda11#1169 edit: and just in time for wsg weekend!!!
  19. Klinda

    Looking to create and ACTIVE community on a new realm

    I won't lie... I laughed
  20. Klinda

    Looking to create and ACTIVE community on a new realm

    As other people have already mentioned, i think it's extremely easier to join a realm that already has a f2p community. I recently rerolled and joined a well known realm with a great community. Sometimes, there's a good # of people that are on and sometimes it's just me. Your probably better...