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  1. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    Bgs are going now atm WSG everyone que up random bgs !
  2. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    BGS: we will try and get some bgs going at 8 servertime today so que up and tell ur friends to que up aswell!
  3. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    Not funding sadly im not rich but we have jCs and all in the guild so just get a boost to get gems mats ! :)
  4. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    Update: Guild going rly good for first day horde is easy ready to do some bgs tommorow
  5. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    Not sure if troll or actualy retarded eitherway have fun in the 39 bracket
  6. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    Real swifty?
  7. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    Dont think ur allowed to join since the rating req is 1500 but theres always ante amanthe
  8. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    Well for now just get an active 70 guild going on horde (mainly pvp) to get bgs going maybe later if we get members someone can make some pve stuff. Me and some others will be maining horde for now so that if new people join 70 on horde we can also help and stuff and later on we can guild wars...
  9. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    I have a good feeling it will talked to alot if twinks about it already some 39s are also lvling 70 twinks and got like the whole rbg team from MoP joining and some others. ill also try and get some old twinks to join again like ymirx and stuff
  10. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    Should lvl one :)
  11. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    hi. So we want to make 70 bgs happen again but therefor we need more horde players. So me and some friends made a guild on Stormscale-horde called <sesame street> got alot of 70s joining soon and people are lvling. So if u want to help bgs happen again on lvl 70 go and lvl 70 twinks on...
  12. My stream -Culto

    Sunday stream
  13. 70 EU Arenatournament [Week 4] - Sign Up Thread

    sign up nubs
  14. 70 EU Arenatournament [Week 3] - Sign Up Thread

    when can you sign up for week 4
  15. Why are ferals Banned?

    A feral leaving feelsbadman
  16. Why are ferals Banned?

    Sh sho shots??
  17. New world order.

    ye you have no friends irl becaue you play 29 and not 70
  18. New world order.

    Are you still taking? thought you didn't care looool
  19. New world order.

    I thought you didn't care lol xdeee Salty?
  20. New world order.

    /facepalm Complex 2.0