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  1. Tiger

    Hunter Pets Thread

    I made a panda hunter just to collect pets xD I have all the rare pets from panda land (tiger skin cat, waterstrider, quilen), all of the campable pets (including the annoying Evalcharr). Only cool pets I'm missing would be the deadmines bird...
  2. Tiger

    Pendulum of Doom on Stormrage US

  3. Tiger

    Pendulum of Doom on Stormrage US

    Memes happen organically nerd, not in a planned way
  4. Tiger

    [Warning: Politics] Nominate a US President for 2020

    I like Ben Shapiro but I feel like even he has a lot of blind spots when it comes to policy. He is extremely pro-Israel even when it comes to issues of human rights being violated. I like someone like Sam Harris a lot better in terms of his stance on religion, foreign policy, abortion and the...
  5. Tiger

    Free graphics for your Guild(or stream, youtube, etc.)

    I was wondering if you could do some art for my Twitch channel? I like your style of art. I'm also going to be starting a philosophy discourse youtube channel, so I might hit you up for that as well. I'll give you full credit in the description of course.
  6. Tiger

    EU+US Midsummer Fire Festival

    is the entire instance scaled or just the boss? Is loot tradeable between instance members?
  7. Tiger

    The Greatest Flex in History. WHO CAN BEAT IT?

    Not selling anything atm, I'm actually in buy mode right now to prep for the mass inflation after BFA drops lol
  8. Tiger

    The Greatest Flex in History. WHO CAN BEAT IT?

    Mostly GF'd twink BOE's and GF'd mogs lol. The rarest mog I have is probably Nightbane Staff... There's only one up for sale on NA
  9. Tiger

    The Greatest Flex in History. WHO CAN BEAT IT?

    Never bought anything from shady places haha, most of the stuff is from WoD. I used to be a global merchant back then, and was pretty much the top seller on the AH according to UMJ on Aerie-Peak for like 6 months straight.
  10. Tiger

    The Greatest Flex in History. WHO CAN BEAT IT?

    Lions, tigers and bears ;)
  11. Tiger

    EU+US Most expensive low level toon

    My bank alt is probably the most expensive lv.1 twink in the game. Several items worth millions. Here are some honorable mentions: Fine poking stick Worn bat Deadman's cleaver (probably the only active one in the game) Warder's spear Worn Spear Wispy Cloak (several) Squealer's belt Frostmane...
  12. Tiger

    US Selling Deadman Dagger X2 - Level 1 Twink Dagger

    Freetopali#1540 I'm usually on from 5pm-10pm EST
  13. Tiger

    US lowbie tol barad

    Another reason why this is worth doing is the Tabard lets you teleport to Tol Barad, which is pretty unique. It gives you an extra teleport to Org essentially and it gives you access to a cool area with potential for wpvp. I think if enoug of us get the tabard we can start to organize events...
  14. Tiger

    US Voting Pole - Whos the best Hunter?!?!

    Going to make my one yearly post, mainly because I think I've been around long enough to see some of the best hunters to play the bracket. The list is in no specific order. So let's begin: 1. Orc - One of the best f2p hunters, and one of the few that could out duel me in a 1v1. Great sense of...
  15. Tiger

    EU+US LvL 1 Gearing

    just do /who 110 warlock If you ask nicely there's usually always a lock that will help
  16. Tiger

    EU+US LvL 1 Gearing

    Honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I literally just followed the quests and progressed through the content normally. I'm a medical student with a very busy schedule, I don't have time to troll kids on a twinking forum with a 2 year old toon just because I could. Try it for...
  17. Tiger

    Is XPOff being deliberately killed?

    I honestly haven't seen more than 10 new interesting posts in the past 2 weeks... I doubt I would have even noticed if someone banned me for that long lol.
  18. Tiger

    EU+US LvL 1 Gearing

    That's not true, I made my goblin hunter literally a week ago and I was able to complete all the quests EDIT: Note legion xmog and time played
  19. Tiger

    EU+US LvL 1 Gearing

    Tried it, doesn't work. Unlike goblin quests, worgen quests have level requirements :(
  20. Tiger

    US Active US-Horde servers for lv 1's?

    I made a goblin hunter on BH - Horde and it's been pretty good. It's a twinking server in general. If you're making a lv.1 I highly suggest going Goblin by the way (BiS probably Goblin hunter). I got summoned out of Lost Isles and I was able to lock my exp, hearth BACK to Lost Isles and complete...