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  1. Verenikin


    I just mogged my lock's staff recently, so I would assume it still works, unless it's been patched in the last week. Darnaby @ Kil'jaeden - Game Guide - World of Warcraft It doesn't show the staff in the profile picture for some reason, but you can see it's mogged on the tooltip, and it still is...
  2. Verenikin

    Cross Realm Zones

    This doesn't have anything to do with CRZ itself specifically, but a CRZ raid allowed me to grind my feral's AGM in 4 days without even trying hard, sometimes nabbing 2 arena masters per hour, and usually getting at least one per hour using different server timezones. This was a lifesaver...
  3. Verenikin

    Ultimate lvl 19 Twink Feral Druid Guide [5.0.4 - HD] [New Video]

    Very nice guide, here's my Chardev chardev 9 The only real difference would be replacing the Repurposed Lava Dredger with the Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing pole, which despite not allowing you to enchant it with anything but fishing lines, still does far better DPS.
  4. Verenikin

    Looking for 19 mage healer chardev

    Mages can heal with Frostbolt using a focus target macro, i'm pretty sure this is a bug with your water elemental, as you can cast Frostbolt at it to heal it, probably get fixed with the server maintenance going on right now. It was fun while it lasted, but it wasn't a huge amount of healing...