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  1. UHNO

    Level 60 Shadowlands 9.2 guide

    oh my word. this guide is visually so clean! gets me all giddy cant wait to smash some skulls in my duelist gear! thanks for the valuable work you do zaz!
  2. UHNO

    [Video] Level 50 Rogue PVP

    this is pretty mechanical rogue plays! very dope! keep my eye out for more!
  3. UHNO

    50 lvl twink question

    whoever said shadowlands does not cater much to 50s is just not aware of the goodies! 59 renown is not hard you also have 3 incredible on use trinkets 180vers...244haste....and 244 mastery the haste is 2min the vers and mastery is 1min 30sec the vers comes out to 15% vers on my mage. got...
  4. UHNO

    Real deal wizards! NYA 26TH friday!

    its going down./w me in game "uhno area 52" start time 6 lets get it crackin.
  5. UHNO

    Horde Ny'alotha raid LFM NA

    my bad its NA. I edited the title
  6. UHNO

    Horde Ny'alotha raid LFM NA

    as of this post i am trying to form a scheduled raid. lets get a sense of what days are the most viable for getting this done. we will be doing this over discord that will be a requirement, but you dont have to speak if you dont want to. muting is fine.. Cattywompus and myself will be leading...
  7. UHNO

    Idiots guide to gearing your BfA locked 50

    i got a 115ilvl from my first 3masks. sooo the game should not of given me 115 for a 3mask? lol
  8. UHNO

    US/NA 50's communities (LFM 50’s!)

    aww see not every one gets a /chicken from me <3
  9. UHNO

    US/NA 50's communities (LFM 50’s!)

    alright, just found this site and just returned to WoW. bare with me im not tech savvy or used to using these sites at all. just made my account but im a 50 shadowpriest/disc. im horde "Uhno" area 52.