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  1. US Jamesb vs Saxxon

    thank you now i can rest easy!
  2. US Jamesb vs Saxxon

    That just isn't true my good man devm. Please try not to be ignorant, ill support you on this voyage :*
  3. US Jamesb vs Saxxon

    I care immensely, thank you for your eloquent inquiry :)
  4. US Jamesb vs Saxxon

    I have to say that I am shocked and saddened at this news. #prayfordevm
  5. US Jamesb vs Saxxon

    I think you might have misinterpreted my good intentions my good sir. I just wanted to warn you as you quest for character cleansing! #don't remain ignorant, please pray for devm, please
  6. US Jamesb vs Saxxon

    Are you sure you are not just being ignorant? I've heard that word bandied about quite a lot recently. Please be careful not to be ignorant devm <3
  7. US Jamesb vs Saxxon

    Really? Somebody ( can't recall) said he was dominating you in the gulch!
  8. US Jamesb vs Saxxon

    Ty for bump devm and good luck with your character overhaul! I bet teams are tripping over themselves to sign you up!! <3
  9. US Jamesb vs Saxxon

    Can someone update me on their legendary rivalry? Last I heard jamesb was on top Ty tinks
  10. EU+US I Think I'm Done

    What you have done for the bracket has been incredible, I hope you won't let one knob head get under your skin but if so I'm sure I'm not alone in thanking you for your effort and all the entertainment.
  11. EU Dog List

    I am aware of the content of the thread, thank you. But my question is, what is the purpose?
  12. EU Dog List

    I apologize if you interpreted my curiosity as stupidity, i genuinely want to know the answer :)
  13. EU Dog List

    What's the point in this thread? Is it just to be mean?
  14. EU The 19's Directory enh sham
  15. My final admission

    I don't take advice from single celled organisms, but i appreciate your attempt. If you have any more pearls of wisdom please tattoo them on yourself
  16. My final admission

    try harder, you're an embarrassment
  17. My final admission

    I would feel sorry for your parents for the burden of a cretinous child if i wasn't so sure they are just as mentally deficient
  18. My final admission

    After being rumbled by the astute Memphis in this thread: I have found myself in a position in which I am forced to admit the following. I am both Gingerbred on EU and Dorigon on US, make of it what you will. Im sorry to all those who considered me better than my US counterpart. It's been quite...
  19. 19 dead on EU?

  20. EU 2v2 (possibly 3v3) Tourney : 31/7/15

    good games with some very interesting comps. ty!