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  1. imacheeser

    Censorship and Butthurt needs to stop

    I can call him a little shit like super did to Solipsist and I bet thatd get removed and yet his still isn't.....thank you for making my point :)
  2. imacheeser

    Censorship and Butthurt needs to stop

    it wasn't spamming I disagree but how does it break the coc? being a bully is against the law on this forum page? its just like the cursing gotta be kidding me, that's some weak sauce shit....Then someone else makes the exact same thread and it doesnt get removed? yeah okay conq...
  3. imacheeser

    Censorship and Butthurt needs to stop

    explain to me then why my thread/post got removed several times? Oh I know because it went against what the mods/admins wanted and they decided to say fuck cheeser we don't care what you have to say....power hungry? I think so....
  4. imacheeser

    Censorship and Butthurt needs to stop

    I make a poll to remove turtle as bracket manager and I get called obnoxious so my thread is removed. I didn't even curse. I just think that some mods/admins take sides and show favoritism towards others and don't give a fuck about the rest of the community. I mean the poll on this thread just...
  5. imacheeser

    Censorship and Butthurt needs to stop

    Hes an admin and weve all gotten infractions for cursing, threads removed for being obnoxious or hurtful, and hes suppose to be held to a higher standard. This is a prime example on why TI has awful mods/admins....GG NO RE
  6. imacheeser

    Censorship and Butthurt needs to stop

    Solipsist I think your opinion is an excellent one and im completely on board with what youre saying! ive been a victim of mod/admin misconduct on several occasions and nothing in return happens to them. Im glad youre sheading light on this very serious situation! you got a solider fighting...
  7. imacheeser

    Censorship and Butthurt needs to stop

    okay lemme be honest ive gotten several of my threads and post removed because I was hurtful, obnoxious, and whatever bullshit. aka laurasia and cipe when I wasn't even being hurtful or obnoxious. I was simply stating the truth about something. Then I get /spit on by cipe who is a moderator and...
  8. imacheeser

    Should we have Moderators/CoC on this site?

    get rid of them all, they are ALL POWER HUNGRY.
  9. imacheeser

    <ap twinks> vs <rumsey rum brewing co>

    I have toons on both factions, you just gotta learn how to use positioning as an advantage on alliance side. ez mode
  10. imacheeser

    So... Whats your biggest crit? :)

    bump to my largest hit dealt more than anyone in the bracket
  11. imacheeser

    <ap twinks> vs <rumsey rum brewing co>

    okay guise, the reason why people like horde at this level is because positioning isn't as essential. If youre alliance its more important for you healers and other classes that can heal to have good positioning so the horde aoe silences/stuns wont effect them. Its quite simple but yet so hard...
  12. imacheeser

    So... Whats your biggest crit? :)

    well recently I got a 1.8k Templars verdict but my largest overall hit is over 4 million. you think you ferals are R1 check this out suckas
  13. imacheeser

    US - Veteran / P2P 20 WSG Premade #2 - September 20th

    okay so to please everyone that's playing I will be saving the matches for future reference when the matches are over. cheeser out! see you guise soon :)
  14. imacheeser


    Joder TET mayoría de ellos son matorrales además cheeser ^ TET fuck most of them are also bushes cheeser
  15. imacheeser

    We need a active Bracket manager!

    gimmie bm so I can dethrone light
  16. imacheeser

    We need a active Bracket manager!

    cheeser for BM ill have enough delicious cheese for everyone but they gotta bring their own wine
  17. imacheeser

    US - Veteran / P2P 20 WSG Premade #2 - September 20th

    ill see everyone on the 20th, ill be streaming the matches in a spectator mode and ill make sure to get tipsy and throw a few back so everyone watching will be sure to have a great time as well! should be fun matches :)
  18. imacheeser

    29 plebmades

    and the alliance already have 3 healers
  19. imacheeser

    29 plebmades

    its alliance
  20. imacheeser

    29 plebmades

    i got a hunter for horde and alliance, I also got an alliance priest if you need any of those lemme know I can play any of those spots