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  1. Horde faction

    stay ally we need to spread out the enhance shamen, its basically me and you so far
  2. Premading Alliance vs Horde

    im F team let me at em
  3. Premading Alliance vs Horde

    is this how #1 guilds argue? he brought math and everything!
  4. US @19s, The Bleeding Hollow Migration & Qs (U.S.)

    because it failed O.o
  5. Premading Alliance vs Horde

    11 i thought you cheater
  6. Premading Alliance vs Horde

    ithye is my name, im actually in a game (lolrhymes)
  7. Premading Alliance vs Horde

    ashe is gay
  8. Alexandriya is back (Again)

    whats goooood you still horde?
  9. MGC vs. Static

    word, hit me with your realid in a PM i needa talk shaman
  10. MGC vs. Static

    shaman buddy u quit shaman?
  11. Got hacked

    PM me your realid if you were on it before or want to be
  12. Dispell may grace our Bracket once again.

    bleh i liked being different
  13. Premading Alliance vs Horde

    the sprint on worgen changes games more than the silence from belves imo, making it out of the ally base and surviving is difficult, making it out and surviving an offense sprinting at you is almost impossible
  14. The return of Zeiren?

    i need you to street engineer my sig to work das
  15. The return of Zeiren?

    made in taiwan
  16. The return of Zeiren?

    yeah, you fail at shaman so you may be able to faceroll your way around as rogue *cough*
  17. Lethal Synergy premade ready.

    but i thought you liked me for MY shears
  18. MGC vs. Static

    wait so what happened i dont even get it