Search results

  1. need decently geared 19 alli twinks for ques

    why dont you just go lose once or twice and get the 29 honor
  2. BiS warlock?

    i was just looking for you a few weeks ago in twinks ^>^
  3. BiS warlock?

    Could anyone post me a chardev of a BiS level 20 lock? Is glass cannon lock looked down upon? Aff? Demo? Destro? if anyone could answer these it would be awesome ^.^ need something to bide my time until i maybe resub
  4. Dropped Subscription

    Peace to all the people i've met, ill probably come back for wrath of pandas or something
  5. Realid busted?

    I cant see any of my friends nor can i add people to my realid...any idea what the problem is?
  6. Pictures of your new Transmog'd Characters

    i need your realid back pm it to me :]
  7. Premade Ready FC

    i'll suck your dick for money
  8. How are you rated?

    hmu with your realid, someone told me your name and to find them on thier realid but im blind and couldnt find you -.-
  9. How are you rated?

    me too </3 ps ily )
  10. How are you rated?

    o great honorable beau im not on ur list y is this
  11. US <Skill Ratio> - Bleeding Hollow (H) Recruitment

    what do you think about this?
  12. btb vs WT

    you WERE on btbs dick a few posts ago
  13. btb vs WT

    why wouldnt the chop team just 1v5 the FC at that point?
  14. Schedule For This Weekend

    i dont think its actually LS vs lsftw, they're hosting the ab day O.o
  15. Static vs. Bravo Co Official Premade - 12/3/11

    you forgot to include the part when i realized all exept 3 or 4 in your guild is terrible, and then i declined A team spot and left static...but y'know, its iight tho because shift is still asking for me to come back
  16. Static vs. Bravo Co Official Premade - 12/3/11

    im glad i dipped outta static at this point 90% trash
  17. accurate 19t wink list

    cool i made the list
  18. 19 Priest Powaz

    i am king blues clues