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  1. Destruction Warlock

    Thanks for another opinion on the topic. So you say, go with versatility > critical strike > haste? If so, I should aim for 10% versatility and then focus on other stats? I also made a little list of gear I should go for, which I will add at the bottom of this post, could you take a look and...
  2. Destruction Warlock

    Thanks for all of the information, I know enough now to start building a character.
  3. Destruction Warlock

    I don't know a lot about PvP, nor do I play it a lot, but how often are you in a 1v1? I guess crit > versatility > haste will be pretty nice indeed, so I guess I'll go after that. Concering the talent, is Flashover always picked, also in PvP?
  4. Destruction Warlock

    Well, then the choice is made. I will be playing a Goblin Warlock! Thanks for the help everyone. Now I'll only need to know what stats I have to focus on and what talent to pick.
  5. Destruction Warlock

    Thanks for the response. I came to realize that perhaps I should have stated my question in a different way. I am also able to look up racials and stats of all the possibilities, so what I actually want to know is; what race would fit a warlock, what race will look nicely in a warlock transmog...
  6. Destruction Warlock

    EDIT: Question 1 has been answered: Goblin EDIT2: Question 2 and 3 have been answered: stat priority can be everything, just focus on two. I went with vers > haste > crit. The talent should be flashover Hey everyone, I'm new to the forums so if I made any mistake please let me know. First...