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  1. Balditron

    EU Current state of EU 19s

    Looking forward to it! I'm sure if you / we as a community really hit it home for people to download there'll be a good transition. It's essentially like the f2p addon but has the added dimension of including btag and queuing, hope it can be made to work!
  2. Balditron

    EU Current state of EU 19s

    Also man, I don't think you realise that by saying this, you are completely going against what you had intended to do with this thread... Alliance has been the weaker side since around last Thursday now. All this talk you make about people should loselog and work together to balance the games...
  3. Balditron

    EU Current state of EU 19s

    Fair enough, thought you made it after. I wasn't at home last night so didn't have decent net to be gaming and browsing at the same time (so shit I know..) Also for the record then, that WASN'T the team I made. I got an invite to that team after mine disbanded randomly. I had invited a...
  4. Balditron

    EU Current state of EU 19s

    Devm no need to lose your cool, but if you keep doing it it'll be funny so I'm not complaining :P Plebs weren't my idea, I was pushing to continue pugs as the plebs instantly stopped the queues (despite not having enough players to actually do your own wargames which is kinda crazy...) so rather...
  5. Balditron

    EU Current state of EU 19s

    True, but if the information is from sources like this thread then (obviously no fault on your end cause this is what is being publicised on the forums) you gotta take it at face value. I'm a believer that u need to actually experience these things first hand to say how it is, so when threads...
  6. Balditron

    EU Current state of EU 19s

    I don't know why Devm has made this QQ thread. He obviously hasn't played alot of games on EU lately if he thinks horde are still getting crushed. It's especially rich to post this last night where there was a around 4 or more games where the ally team was that bad there were so many afks that...
  7. Balditron

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Pops went on till quite later last night (like 00:15 server time) so nice one. Quality of games left a lot to be desired but at least there was activity again. In the end they died due to lack of ally which is a bit of a switch from recent weeks. Hopefully get some decent games tonight. Will...
  8. Balditron

    EU Plebmades

    Lots of good points made so far. In my opinion, the plebmades are a good tool and give a different environment to try and let newer or less experienced players get a feel for more comptetive games. That said, it goes to show how fragile the bracket really is if removing 20 ppl from the queue...
  9. Balditron

    EU Plebmades/Real ID's on EU FRIDAY

    Good luck with this, somehow I have a social life tomorrow so won't be able to help out. Looking forward to seeing some cool stuff on the vods afterwards though!
  10. Balditron

    EU+US The 10's Directory

    Oooh we had a mini-fight earlier, didn't even realise you were 10 ^^ My priest if needed for the directory:
  11. Balditron

    EU+US A Riddle! With a reward! Who gets it first!

  12. Balditron

    EU+US The 10's Directory

    90% sure you might not want this, but I know the 19's definitely wont :D (level 15 Rogue)
  13. Balditron

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    19 pop!! 17:18 paris time
  14. Balditron

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Logging naow, queueueuue 19s eueueueue
  15. Balditron

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    True, can't argue there, the spec is just backwards :(
  16. Balditron

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Not wanting to start an arguement cause ally did have a better overall grouping (after 2/3 mins when we eventually got 10 players) but this was our feral: vs yours: :P
  17. Balditron

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Sad, I resubbed after 6 months break this week because I heard there was decent pops... Now everything seems to go be going tits up with no pops at this time on a Saturday :( Cmon guyz
  18. Balditron

    3v3 Arena Night Rules and Signup Sunday - 4/10/2015

    LF supercool dudes not afraid to lose and who want to get drunk on sunday to play 3's with a Scottish person (me).
  19. Balditron

    WSG / TP 26/9/2015 - 39s

    Just gonna stop replying to you. At least for your first post I spent 30 seconds reading and understanding before writing you a coherent response. Seems you don't wan't to give me the same treatment. Feel free to spew more aimless nonsense about non-truths though, seems to me that you are the...
  20. Balditron

    WSG / TP 26/9/2015 - 39s

    How could you already figure that when at most I played on US for 4 months. My sub for there expired quite a while ago now. I stay in the EU. Out of the past 8+ years on wow all I have played is twink BG's. In which I have done enough FCing to know the difference between jumps and real...