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  1. Balditron

    EU Friday and Saturday Real ID / Plebmades

    I'm home in a couple of hours and will spam people to log. Let's do it while the hype is high (and because I had to miss last night so I'm jelly!)
  2. Balditron

    EU Friday and Saturday Real ID / Plebmades

    Games were alright in the end. Remember you can watch the vods at under "latest broadcasts". As a teaser here is a scoreboard (the only one I wound up keeping) from the last game which I'm sure both teams would agree felt pretty competitive.
  3. Balditron

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Been popping since around 19.20ish iirc :)
  4. Balditron

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Queue up at 7pm!!! (25 mins) We gonna push for pop. Be there or be []
  5. Balditron

    EU Friday and Saturday Real ID / Plebmades

    Tomorrow I see my gf for the first time in 3 weeks. So definitely won't be 100% :P
  6. Balditron

    EU Friday and Saturday Real ID / Plebmades

    Bump! Incase any US'ers were wondering this will take place at (I think...) 17:30 EST and 14:30 PST for tuning in to the NWL.
  7. Balditron

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Queue up gentlemen
  8. Balditron

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    GG guys I'm happy its popping :) Sorry I cant be on still. Got my university finals now (this wednesday and next) so will be MiA for a bit :( Gluck over the time being though.
  9. Balditron

    10-19 The Official Twink Cup 2016 Thread

    This has been an amazing read. The babies crying over "how was this committee chosen!?" ... "why doesn't my guild get a say!?" ... "its a community run event!!" ... and so on, are genuinely embarrassing to read. Think of it like an event which is being run FOR the community by a third party...
  10. Balditron

    US 19 Transmog Thread

    Too cute not to share
  11. Balditron

    10-19 The Official Twink Cup 2016 Thread

    Fantastic read for a hungover sunday of studying for finals! Also...
  12. Balditron

    US LF Someone who can share Disturbing Connections [A]

    Thanks a lot man! Logging now, feel free to lock / delete this thread if you like :)
  13. Balditron

    US LF Someone who can share Disturbing Connections [A]

    As the title says, I'm too lazy to go through the chain when the shortcut exists. If anyone has on an alt who can share with me on US Alliance then I'd be very grateful! My btag is Baldimort#2139 Cheers!
  14. Balditron

    EU European plebmades!

    I would personally be keen if we could get the numbers again!
  15. Balditron

    EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Won't be on till a bit later tonight but queue up tonight guys. No pops on a Friday night was embarassing. The fact we made plebs goes to show that there is enough of us to make pops happen, we just need more bodies in the queue rather than waiting for it to pop THEN logging over. See u in the...
  16. Balditron

    EU European plebmades!

    We managed two games in the end, lack of players meant having to take on 2x Rets to fill the last two slots to make the game 10v10 and keep a somewhat mirrored comp which was quite funny. Overall my team felt the games were pretty competetive. With our FC and BM monk not on voice though we...
  17. Balditron

    EU European plebmades!

    We can maybe make alliance team if the numbers don't work out. I don't mind. Cause last time we were 3 players down cause they only had alliance toons or wanted to play ally. I don't wanna leave people out just for that.
  18. Balditron

    EU European plebmades!

    Plebs tonight. Stay tuned, depending how pops go, looking at either 21:00 or 22:00
  19. Balditron

    US TC rules, for balance games.

    Of course you are snack, cause it makes it all the sweeter when you beat the GF's :D