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  1. when will they fix engineering

    do you know what the word "prior" means? smart people on this forum.
  2. when will they fix engineering

    you must have done very little damage. anyways, talking about vanilla. before your time, bucko.
  3. when will they fix engineering

    actually twinking was just fine prior to xp on/off bgs, and I would argue the disparity was just as great as today. I was 2 shotting levelers and queue times were fine. what's your point?
  4. when will they fix engineering

    you should go play endgame. sounds like you are interested in balanced pvp, plus there are more abilities, too.
  5. when will they fix engineering

    when will people stop making stupid posts and go level engineering themselves???? ??????????????????????????????????
  6. Resto druid is the new survival hunter

    2 complete different things. cobalt does drop, but not if you've skipped every mining except northrend.
  7. Satchels nerfed

    so this guy rats out a bug to blizz, then lectures others about how unfair it was? bro, that is the basis for twinking. having an advantage over those that don't know/don't care enough. no one here originally got into 19s to face off against other 19s. you get like 3 abilities. why don't you...
  8. Paying 10k for someone to help me

    Is there a definitive answer as far as how to get them to spawn? Too many chitposts in other thread.
  9. (110) Got my first Legendary :D

    you are the definition of a flower, srsly.
  10. EU+US 98/99 Legion Info

  11. EU+US 98/99 Legion Info

    thanks for finding this. I just have to decide if I want to ding my 98 to 99 now. I assume 99 epics will be somewhat easier to find on the AH, and for someone who will primarily be bging, I can't believe a 98s stats would end up being that much higher if at all with 10-20 lower ilvl than 99s.
  12. EU+US 98/99 Legion Info

    When you say "and probably bgs", is that a continuation of your epeen comment, or is having the 1 character level lower notable for scaling purposes in bgs? i.e. even though your ilvl is lower than 99, stats are higher due to lower char level.
  13. EU+US 98/99 Legion Info

    Is there any reason to choose 98 over 99? For all intents and purposes, looks like 99 is the way to go.
  14. Should there be a Titanforge badge?

    calling people autists and shitty when it looks like a crack wh0re birthed your twink directly into a dumpster
  15. Should there be a Titanforge badge?

    zatox has been raging hard for over a week now due to invasions and having a garbage twink that isn't full TF. best to just let him foam at the mouth alone
  16. Should there be a Titanforge badge?

    stop trying to be reasonable. it's more fun to watch the 6,7,8/9 kids rage for a couple more weeks.
  17. EU+US ilvl 700 guns in new dala

    well first you should petition to get them fixed and encourage everyone to do the same, right?
  18. EU+US ilvl 700 guns in new dala

    so many phasing issues trying to get summoned here. how do you guys do it?
  19. US no longer getting junk wf, anyone else?

    nice boots kiddo xd oops
  20. US no longer getting junk wf, anyone else?

    *checks armories* *sees incomplete 34* yep, rage checks out.