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  1. Irrational

    6.2.2 patch notes

    lets just talk about how war stomp will be a 3 second stun. An aoe 3 second stun.
  2. Irrational

    6.2.2 patch notes

  3. Irrational

    Screenshot Thread!

    Recently got all four classic dragon whelplings. I would make a joke about using these guys to conquer the land across the sea but there's a whole show dedicated to how that's not happening anytime soon. Dark Emerald Crimson Azure
  4. Irrational

    What pisses you off in WoW

    I just want to enter firelands and icc again.
  5. Irrational

    20 or 29 twink as a subscriber?

    roll 22 and be the hipster you secretly want to be
  6. Irrational

    Is anyone else here seriously excited for PVP in Legion?

    Was thinking the same. my naked blood elf might finally be viable
  7. Irrational

    wow really?

  8. Irrational

    F2P moments, told by GIFS!

    My reaction when I revive a dead thread When your mog on point When someone steals your mog Druids poppin dah swiftness in AV Wild charge Me killing p2ps I'm just going to leave this here. No relevance. Just satisfying. Deal with it.
  9. Irrational

    BoA FUNDING tonight!! August 14.

    what server
  10. Irrational

    [US F2P] WSG 10v10 This Saturday 15 August 2015

    Here be rugue linken. u ken dun add to list noaw. Electrical @ Norgannon - Community - World of Warcraft