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  1. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    MGC seem far too overconfident and that's always a very bad sign, as I've picked up in playing the bracket for awhile. They also have a very weak offense, and I see communication being an issue. If WT lose, then I'd be very surprised.
  2. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    I've no idea who your twink is, Afker, but WT certainly didn't pick me as a last resort paladin, nor do I think I'm anything but exceptional at my class. Those that disagree tend to be people who have either disliked me for a very long time, hated the fact that I went to WT, or are just...
  3. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    I'm sure he's good now, but I remember him being absolutely horrible not too long ago when I had some toons on Bloodlust.
  4. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    You're not following me, Hass. In order to be a good soldier you must throw away most of your independence and adhere to the orders of your superiors. Keep making your guild look like rubbish.
  5. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    Hass is actually thick in the head. How does his guild put up with him? I'm a little bit more interested in this premade now, and at this rate, I may actually look forward to it.
  6. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    Both Sax & Ore need to get their rep up before they talk to me. cy@
  7. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    The guild died awhile ago, and yet you weren't included in their premade schedule? That's embarrassing. I guess the guild didn't sink low enough to grab the last of the last. Thankfully you were rather sharp, and left the guild immediately after it died, so you could start your own guild up...
  8. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    Ah. Hass can barely form comprehensible sentences, so that makes a lot of sense now, Rivfader. Maineack isn't going to replace me, Hass. Not everyone in WT is destined to be replaced, and if I am, I doubt it'd be from that player (I remember him from Bloodlust mashing the S-key like it was...
  9. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    You're making hardly any sense. Do you mean to tell me that a player by the name of Maineack isn't in Waw Tawent? EDIT: Nope. A player by the name of Maineack isn't in the guild. You're right. I'm still not sure of your point though.
  10. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    God. Are you trying out some elitist persona for the week? Look. It only works with really, really good players. You aren't a good player, so you look like a mongoloid when you don't even use a contraction to call people trash, and hun, your own guild would rather spend $55 USD to get a...
  11. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    I didn't know who you were before I joined WT, and they pretty much just called you 'the hunter that never could', so calling me out is a bunch of nonsense seeing as how this guild actually wants me here. I've no idea where all this sudden hostility stems from, because I think you ought to...
  12. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    That makes absolutely no sense. Firstly, Maineack is in the guild, and secondly, I don't even play a warlock anymore. Baddie.
  13. Kancer

    US Machine Gun Clicks vs Waw Tawent 10/29/2011

    Not very excited for this game tbh. I want a masta ballerz premade, but any guild will be fun to premade for now. Good luck.
  14. Kancer

    [19] Machine Gun Clicks (A) - Bleeding Hollow Recruiting

    I can't be bothered reading your post, but I'm not rude so I wanted to acknowledge you before I head off. I'll just say one last thing, and then you can say as much as you like. You're being extremely bias towards me, and I know this. You are not making me think anything otherwise, as...
  15. Kancer

    [19] Machine Gun Clicks (A) - Bleeding Hollow Recruiting

    It wasn't about posts. This whole thing started on Cenarius when I called you and your friend out for being average, and you started getting upset (you wanted to impress me, poor you.), talking about how you don't take 19s seriously any more because it's not like how it 'used to be'. It's a...
  16. Kancer

    [19] Machine Gun Clicks (A) - Bleeding Hollow Recruiting

    You're starting to show that you're a fresh pea, because I twinked a paladin at the start of Cataclysm, and I never played with or against you on a priest (minus the B team premade, and trust me, I didn't even know that existed and don't even know the guild you were in.) I hope you're...
  17. Kancer

    [19] Machine Gun Clicks (A) - Bleeding Hollow Recruiting

    You're actually horrible, and only dislike me because I put crap on you and your bestie. I didn't even know who you were before I went to Cenarius. You're a no name, sorry.
  18. Kancer

    [19] Machine Gun Clicks (A) - Bleeding Hollow Recruiting

    I do know that it's rather rare for me to lose games, but I still do and can lose them, so it's laughable for you to discredit your own guild by posting stupid games. I take it that you're not very experienced, so I'll briefly explain what happened in point form so it's easier for you to...
  19. Kancer

    Ally AFKers

    It must be horrible to be a new tinker like Reflexes and have to hold onto his Wrath baby days.