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  • Being back, it's nice to be able to say that PvP at 20 is still fun.
    Skill-ceiling is through the roof
    20s gear meta changed any?
    Picking up my f2p a little bit, and I assume we're still doing Docks?
    No, nothing changed, and 20's PvP remains bad as well.
    That part I'm actually enjoying
    Why aren't any1 using Legion Artifacts? Just got 87ilvl relic. Bumped both stats and ilvl. I've been gone for a while, and just getting into the meta. But I'd think this is a gamechanger for dual-wield Eleforce enjoyers, Right? x2 ele is still alot more than a gemslot and some stats, for some specs.
    Unless there’s something new as of 10.1, artis showed that they gained ilvl and stats in the item window, but didn’t actually increase character stats as shown in the character stats screen beyond that of an heirloom boa.
    Wow... 3rd relic slot is open? I had a spare holy relic, threw it in wep. Wep has (2) ilvl 39 greens (old gift wrap glitch) and a blue ilvl 61. Jumped from ilvl 43 to ilvl 54, stat change, spell tooltips increased. Hovering over 3rd relic says req lvl 40, think its a tooltip glitch about the relic more so than the slot. Empty slot shows no lvl req.
    The ilvl61 dungeon relics are actually level restricted and doesn't do anything. Some1 told me they were capped at ilvl54 now, no matter what you do. I'll still get 2 high relics to replace my old 27ilvl and the restricted 61ilvl one. Though I doubt it'll change much, Ill keep you posted
    20-29s feel like unrestricted maxlvls atm. Shit's gonna be fun after putting in the work. - A positive sidenote in these bamboozling times
    Korrak is like last year then. Still a good HK farm for those who are into that. + Farmable achievements and Rep for Justicar/Conqueror
    Bloody Coins too if you use the Shredder.
    the hypothesis is that the rest of the gear and scaling changes don't kick in untill the 15th when chromie-time & and event updates kick in
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