Megavalanche Aug 27, 2019 red doesent mean youre lvl is to low, sometimes it try you to tell you dont have enough gold Kugh*silver
red doesent mean youre lvl is to low, sometimes it try you to tell you dont have enough gold Kugh*silver
Megavalanche May 14, 2019 Okay the search option whats wrong with que dit not work. Are there german realms that work when queing BG 20/F2P?
Okay the search option whats wrong with que dit not work. Are there german realms that work when queing BG 20/F2P?
Megavalanche May 13, 2019 Twinking: , enjoying to get BiS also when i takes to reroll dude, its called the epic pursuit
Megavalanche May 6, 2019 Think most part of wow is irrelevant these days, que wargames for what? Side note as casual pvp player
Think most part of wow is irrelevant these days, que wargames for what? Side note as casual pvp player
Megavalanche May 3, 2019 Cup of thea, nice protein sandwich, youtube channels clicking: azeroth obscura nice series chops!, still looking at my sandwich though!
Cup of thea, nice protein sandwich, youtube channels clicking: azeroth obscura nice series chops!, still looking at my sandwich though!