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  • I never saw items with only one stats dropping for low levels from DG or BG bags.
    They are very very rare from BG bags, but cannot drop from dungeon bags.
    Guys, are there active Alliance players doing the 20s? I am going vet in 4 days and want some dudes to hang out
    Anyone know if repeatable quest rewards can proc, most notably the lvl20 boe shoulders from Deck of Swords from Darkmoon?
    If anyone have the bug where a F2P can't joib BGs 'cause you turned XP off, I posted a ticket and a GM sucessfully solved the problem
    @Brov I got the same problem, did you got to fix it?
    has to do with some really old f2p chars having their xp turned off for some reason(gotta make a ticket to turn it back on since blowing the 10g on npc doesnt seem to work)
    I see. Turned my XPOff on a F2P to see if it would delete the banked XP (had about 6 levels to up, if I was to put gametime on the account, to eventually get some enchants).
    I would be happier if BG Crates or Dungeons drops can go epic. But at least I can take a backseat gaming and just enjoy a bit of questing.
    Guys, which neck enchant for healer in 20-29?
    Hidden satyr for rsham, rdru and disc. Binding of haste or versa for mw and hpala.
    Are there role-playing twinking guilds? Or that is just a ridiculously specific desire of mine?
    this sounds a whole lot worse than you think it does
    I know some good folks that Twink in Brazilian servers and would like to bring them in
    @Moderators can we have a Portuguese (Português) session in our localized forum area?
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