BANKONE Yesterday at 11:31 PM Out of the loop. Why do we hate archvaldor here? Is it because he gets all the fun stuff fixed?
BANKONE May 23, 2022 Reading that “twink cream” is cringe af. There’s a difference between being inclusive and being extra. This is an informative forum on wow
Reading that “twink cream” is cringe af. There’s a difference between being inclusive and being extra. This is an informative forum on wow
BANKONE Apr 14, 2022 Imagine being any of these horde premade lords and getting so wrapped up in any deluded ego. Clowns.
BANKONE Mar 31, 2022 Hopefully next xpac will reduce impact of class/spec power in favor of gear. Gear>skill>spec pls.
BANKONE Jan 24, 2022 After 45% or whatever buff to SMF auto hits, unless you have 2x destiny you better be going 1hand
BANKONE Dec 12, 2021 Lol. Voc just made a hunter too guess it’s time for another month break and reroll
BANKONE Dec 2, 2021 So dramatic. Hunters are bad. But meta premades are the problem in general. Shitters just play meta above all else. Yawn
So dramatic. Hunters are bad. But meta premades are the problem in general. Shitters just play meta above all else. Yawn
BANKONE Jun 25, 2021 TBC classic but with every expansion progress system. Gems, og glyphs, og reforge, corruptions, no azerite or artifact bs tho.
TBC classic but with every expansion progress system. Gems, og glyphs, og reforge, corruptions, no azerite or artifact bs tho.
BANKONE Nov 13, 2020 Announcing the Naked Twink Arena League NTAL! Everyone BGs naked or suffers multiple @thread shitposts!
Announcing the Naked Twink Arena League NTAL! Everyone BGs naked or suffers multiple @thread shitposts!