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  • If not, at least let's agree on a time/day to que for random bgs pleaseeee T_T
    I can't handle the 1hr q times just for a 3 min Gilneas...
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    Reactions: Neon
    Remember 29’s snipe.
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    Idc at this point. I just want gamesss... hahaha
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    Trying for AV will be challenging. We need every twink available and no more drama. I think we all love our bracket and want to see it alive one more time... :')
    I have a dream <3
    Feeling old and nostalgic :'(
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    You’re beautiful and amazing!
    Fine. I am old, beautiful aaaand amazingly nostalgic.
    Awww, YOU are beautiful and amazing and you infuse GT with that energy <333
    I only do this to keep all of our twinking friends united :) but you aren’t old! You’re my bestie! Hmph! You need to be typing you’re amazing and full of sparkles
    Why are we fighting on the forums when we should be fighting in the Gulch? :(
    "Don't tread on me" comes to mind
    Stick to your rules, there's no other mention of @threads unless they break the other rules, but not PER SE!
    Creating @threads isn't worthy of closing a thread, that's only in the case of @mods/admins discussing bans and other admin things, WTF!!
    LOL @ "new" members: fitnessstephany, coolrebecca, beautifulpatricia, lydiahappy... lol what? What kind of site is this? xD
    @Taylondor I heard of 50+ members from the LatAm community receiving that gift, so they might be giving it away for everyone (slowly) :D
    So if (in theory) contributors gave their permission to use their content... would it really be theft?? I'm wondering, I obv don't know lol
    So where is the line drawn? It's your website (half) but the content rights are still owned by each one of the authors... (community)
    @Lil he can't play with us anymore... can't run as fast as he used to when he was young... Grandpa Rhae, we'll always remember you :'(
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