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  • Exodar portal being inaccesible to lvl20 in current timeline is a special kind of stupid. Like, I can understand the Oribos, Shattrath and Northrend Dal portals being inactive but EXODAR??
    i for one welcome our 11 fury warrior overlords as long as one of them can solo kazzak for me to finally get my fking coldflame tempest mount jfc.
    Gotta love those kind of opinions, seeing the positive and most importantly making use of said positives ^^
    If even 1 11 warrior stays around and explores other areas of twinking then its a win. But its still fun to tease them a bit.
    was the damage scaling changed? my rivendere farming f2p hunters are suddenly incapable of solo clearing the first group of mobs >.>
    We took a big hit when it comes to stats in TWW so we deal less damage (except a few specs that were buffed) and have les survivability.
    You need to kill enemies before they kill you since it's tougher to survive long term on some specs.
    Also the scaling is tougher now with bosses having a good 5-10 K extra HP and mobs dealing more damage.
    So yeah, good luck with Rammstein.
    Hope you will get the mount quickly.
    ty! guess i'll have to wait for the next rescale to decide whether to continue farming for rivendere. or when they add strat UD to lvl 20 lol.
    Wow so apparently blizz fucked up royally on both guild banks and warband banks. Good thing I'm not reinstalling wow till oct lol.
    OK so maybe farming 1k pet charm on a single char was a bit of a pipe dream when I started out with ~200 charms a week and a half ago. New goal: Get the 500 shiny charms achieve and fuck the 1000 charm item. There's a 10k polished pet charm item in oribos anyway fml :LUL:
    Can I get 700+ pet charms before reset next week? :NotLikeThis: probably not but I'll damn well try lmao.
    Well, the loot timer begins once you actually loot it, so if you kill 2 mobs and they both drop a bag, you can loot both mobs for 2 bags, but you will be ineligible for another drop for an hour, starting with the first mob looted. I guess its confusing overall, but RNG also plays a factor too
    Related wowhead comment:
    @Dragpz No it doesn't. To elaborate on my PERSONAL experience in the previous post, I looted one bag, then continued farming on the same toon without logging out, and 8min later looted a second bag from a completely separate loot pile. Wowhead isn't always right.
    Ah okay. I did a bit of testing and it corresponded to what wowhead said. Would be pretty difficult to tell if the drops had an RNG loot timer, because no other loot drops in the game work that way. Maybe with enough testing we could get some solid numbers
    Dreamweaver: 9,678/12,000 & Farondis: 8,781/12,000 with Sign of Legion + 19% anniversary + Darkmoon Faire + Diplomacy + 30m of Pilgrim's Harvest buff :NotLikeThis:
    The one year I decided to hunker down and finish that stupid anniversary AV mount achievement, THE MOUNT NO LONGER COMES FROM ACHIEVEMENT. wtf blizz. :NotLikeThis:
    Frostwolf Insignia can be used at 20 but not Stormpike Insignia whyyyyyyyyyyy :FrogeTorch:
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    Reactions: Dragpz
    20s can still make a pretty good difference with CC and capping things. But you will probably have to play a stealthy or a tank. I've capped a few gys and towers here and there when others were too busy fighting each other.

    As alliance, the real fun is when you play Prot Warr/Pally or GDruid and straight up knock everyone off the DB bridge.
    FINALLY managed to get my mount after all, and on my main no less. Though it involved turning in rams. LOTS of rams. X_X
    Ruby Baubleworm: OBTAINED. Level 13.76, 152 Grisly Trophies, and honestly 1/3 of that was failed attempts to get Large Slimy Bone and Rotting Bear Carcass (for other Baubleworms) off the wrong mobs :LUL:
    I'm just gonna pretend I knew about Ground Gear being level 10 drop only... :Kappa:
    That info will save me from some future pain
    I didn't look that much into the pets, just saw I could get the staff while farming the bandage achievement
    Ye, Ground Gear is a lvl 10 drop (I got it in Borean Tundra while my pally is lvl 4 haha!), Rabbit's Foot is a lvl 1 drop. I'm currently still having to check Rotting Bear Carcass but I'll let u know.
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    Reactions: Conzil
    @Conzil ok so rotting bear carcass u can get super easily as a 20 just kill the bears in old hillsbrad like the wowhead comments say.
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    Reactions: Conzil
    Guess the wrath tw vendor selling to lowbies was a fluke cause neither cata nor tbc vendors show anything le sigh.... at least rep buff is back tho.
    Oh damn, I really though TBC would, they changed some level req for TBC and Wrath, which is what I think caused it.
    So just to summarize as of 10.2:
    TBC - PressF
    Wrath -

    Cata - PressF
    MoP - PressF
    WoD - PressF
    Legion -
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    Reactions: Conzil
    FUK ME, I just procced Avoidance on the Coren trinket, and leech on the tankard main hand. Welp, time to farm Brewfest...
    Slogging thru SL campaign to open up flight paths dear god release me from this hellhole :NotLikeThis:

    (No, I still don't have an engi for Wormhole yet)
    Running Rivendere stratholme is night and day with cunning pet/barbed shot vs ferocity pet/multishot but hey at least I learned... eventually (after dying 15 times and repairing once lmfao in my defense i was running my barely geared alt hunter instead of main)
    ngl when I cleared Rivendere the second run with ferocity/multi I was like, wait wtf this is so easy? I died only once because of LoS fuckery lol I feel so stupid when I think about my cunning/barbed run now.
    Good luck for the mount :)
    Oh, that's right. You can get that on F2P now! Maybe I'll go on sometime. I'll /wave if I see you on AP. :)
    tfw I find out I missed a WoW Twitch drop 6 hours after it ends :LUL:
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    Reactions: Dragpz
    I just get a free 1 month trial... every month...
    It can be exhausting ngl
    Conzil mate, why do you have devil magic for everything? :LUL: Isn't there a cooldown period for free trials? You using diff emails or something?
    Ye different emails, not sure if it's required but I unlink my card from my previous accounts too, so that it doesnt think I'm using the same card as another account.
    Has any f2p tried to hit Court of Farondis and Dreamweavers Revered with the Diablo (+DMF) buff? I couldn't hit it on my main and am considering powering through it on a human alt before DMF ends but has anyone actually managed to :LUL:
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    Reactions: Sketchbag
    unrelated but i went from 3000/6000 friendly to 6000/21000 revered with zandalar w dmf on my 20 for engi patterns, rest will have to come from faction assaults
    F2Ps can’t see or do the invasions, you need to unlock WQs or something for that
    Also, I didnt try, had other stuff to farm
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