Prooney Feb 28, 2017 First time ever maining a mage and playing the 3rd best spec "fire" has really taught me how to sheep. not enough people sheep now adays.
First time ever maining a mage and playing the 3rd best spec "fire" has really taught me how to sheep. not enough people sheep now adays.
Prooney Feb 14, 2017 really likin the f2p bracket! gearing up to BiS pretty quick hit me up on yaiyo my mage on BH if you wanna bg!
really likin the f2p bracket! gearing up to BiS pretty quick hit me up on yaiyo my mage on BH if you wanna bg!
Prooney Feb 13, 2017 saw a lvl 20 with the darkmoon fair t1-t2 xmog?! soo did they take the lvl requirement off that gear or what!?! can someone confirm this?!
saw a lvl 20 with the darkmoon fair t1-t2 xmog?! soo did they take the lvl requirement off that gear or what!?! can someone confirm this?!
Prooney Jan 26, 2017 shout out to all the twink hunters out there that are running marks/beast master and still kill it! mass respect.
shout out to all the twink hunters out there that are running marks/beast master and still kill it! mass respect.