humantrafikr Jan 11, 2023 I'm running xp off players soon. follow and hmu if you want a speed run for real.
I'm running xp off players soon. follow and hmu if you want a speed run for real.
humantrafikr Jan 11, 2023 Speed runs live and running other twinks thru at level 20. Helping 1 toon at a time or 2 lets go
Speed runs live and running other twinks thru at level 20. Helping 1 toon at a time or 2 lets go
humantrafikr Jan 10, 2023 Running speed runs hmu lets get you 20's some gear tonight.
humantrafikr Jan 9, 2023 Live right now! come check out some speed runs and how to run fellow 20's.
Live right now! come check out some speed runs and how to run fellow 20's.
humantrafikr Jan 9, 2023 yo new stream channel...other one got banned .
humantrafikr Jan 1, 2023 Showing speed runs right now through twitch. How to run with multiple players speed run!
Showing speed runs right now through twitch. How to run with multiple players speed run!
humantrafikr Jan 1, 2023 Happy New Year everyone! Time to gear up and nut up on your 20(free to play and veteran) hmu on my stream! Let's group and stack gear!
Happy New Year everyone! Time to gear up and nut up on your 20(free to play and veteran) hmu on my stream! Let's group and stack gear!
humantrafikr Dec 31, 2022 Follow me on twitch so you can find me in game on my level 20 and we can run dungeons together!
Follow me on twitch so you can find me in game on my level 20 and we can run dungeons together!
humantrafikr Dec 31, 2022 Follow my Twitch stream "Humantraffiker" you can watch how I gear quickly and what I do on a daily basis on a free to play account!
Follow my Twitch stream "Humantraffiker" you can watch how I gear quickly and what I do on a daily basis on a free to play account!
humantrafikr Dec 27, 2022 Hey xpoff nerds! I'm streaming on now under the alias "Humantraffiker"
humantrafikr Nov 18, 2022 ilvl 112 - 29's in a free to play and veteran bracket. No wonder its dead. Premade some more 29 noobs lol
ilvl 112 - 29's in a free to play and veteran bracket. No wonder its dead. Premade some more 29 noobs lol