Took ur time. Now It happened,

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[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]My bracket and I have some issues with the free to plays on this forum.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]1.) Regarding the apparent ever lasting one sided hate war between the f2p's and 24 twinks, why have the forum moderators not taken the proper steps to end this drama? It can be done by simply going through post history of mainly 3 posters on TI which I will PM to the mods after this post and ban them from the forums, or if that is too costly to your hit count, restrict them from posting in the 20-24 section of the forums. If anyone would bother to take the time to look back over the threads it is quite obvious that the hatred comes from the f2p's. The majority, if not all the threads posted in the 20-24 section have been de-railed and rendered mush by angry f2p's who will not let the issue die down. Proof of which can be witnessed by threads that have been locked or flagged as HOT. The problem in the 20-24 bracket in PvP isn't with the 24 twinks, it's the f2p cliques who cry, complain and stir up so much fuss that it's easier to shut down threads that have the possibility to establish communication between twinks in the bracket. In short, the f2p's are using the the 20-24 section of this forum to wage their hate war then retreat back to their protected forum, only to return the next day to trash another thread created by a 24 and insulting 24's in general.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]2.)[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Cotus, Rivfader, Mrcer[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Number 2.)[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]The policy of case by case basis when dealing with trouble makers is either not working or not effective enough. Time and time again repeat offenders are allowed to troll, flame, harass, insult, slander and stir trouble in the forum, yet they still remain to continue every day. The point system is completely useless in an overall picture when using a case by case system. Posters who have shown no regard for the forum rules on multiple accounts should not be allowed to post on the forums when the infractions they commit are outweigh the point assigned to the infraction. A point system or a case by case basis should be chosen, the two cannot work in coordination when regarding repeat offenders.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Number 3.)[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]I say "allow" because some of the posters are well known to other others for commiting forum violations every day with no punishment or with punishment so weak that it might as well not be enforced at all.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]4.)[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]There are only 2 groups of players in the 20-24 bracket. Everyone knows this. It's high time to do something about it on TI's end. Remove the 20-24 section and allow the 24 twinks to have their own forum to communicate and share ideas without f2p's venting their anger and complaints. To allow the f2p's to have their own forum yet force the 24 twinks to endure repeated and successful attempts to destroy their threads is quite frankly, bullshit. The three offenders who continuously violate forum regulations are COTUS, Mrcer and Rivfader. I challenge you to look up their post history and read their venom laced posts that do nothing but stir hatred in the bracket. I do more then challenge you, I dare you. I dare you to lift to a finger and view every thread they have posted regarding 24's and see how they are the ones destroying the bracket by spreading this hate war on TI forums.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]What's really sad is that Mrcer is an MVP, someone with such a title or rank should be more resposible and restrained when posting.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Yet day after day his only comments in the 20-24 section is slander and insult the 24 twinks.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Spreading just as much hatred agaisnt f2p's as he is about 24 twinks.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Rivafder is a parrot that sits on COTUS's shoulder, echoing every last bit of sarcasm and sqwauking with his/her own brand of angst and vile comments.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]I implore you to do more than lock threads, assign points and continue.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]I ask that you read the forums and look over this repeatative garbage that continues.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]You say that the discussion of 20's and 24's is prohibited? When why is there a 20-24 section?[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Remove it and allow the 24 twinks to have their own privacy against trolling just as the f2ps.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Just as the f2p's have their own section where nothing is allowed that does not involve them, the 24 twinks deserve that same effort.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]It wouldn't be so one sided if the f2p's weren't babied by TI anyways.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]A password protected Vent channel.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Their own forum[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]They know they're protected by TI and will continue to abuse the generosity given as long as they are not admonished.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]And just in case you think this is all a big whine, drop in on your vent and listen to what they say. I've done it many times, try it and reconsider your stance on 20-24's.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]Or you can viewed as biased.[/font]

[font=trajan, tahoma, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]- Myaahh[/font]

Yup ur right. I am seeking attention. Seeking the attention of the mods and admins to get rid of idiots like you.

"All the f2ps do is slander us" "Idiots like you"... The hypocrisy!!!

You want to know why, Myaahh, it is that you're slandered? As wanky stated, this bracket is only active because of the fact that we play 20s. And as Wanky also said, you could simply play a 20 toon with full cata capabilities and enchants (as I myself do), but you'd rather play at 24 to have that extra advantage. The point of locked-exp bgs was to even the playing field, so it would be twink vs twink. So instead you guys would rather have a 4 lvl advantage and beat on the lower lvls. That alone is all the reason in the world (of warcraft) to slander you. Now not only is this handicap not good enough for you, you find it hard to believe that you might anger a few people?! Seriously? I've heard some idiotic things in my life but bro this here takes the cake. You must feel like the smartest kid in the special ed class to have been the one to bring all your points forward, and for that I applaud you. However your futile efforts will likely go unmerited, because, as you so plainly stated, mods don't care. And why is that? Because twinking is supposed to be about having fun and being on the same lvl as your opponents, and you 24s go and ruin a good thing. So enjoy being slandered/verbally abused/ridiculed. Or stop noobin it up and come get on our lvl and have some fun. Your choice.

Oh prease.

If it wasn't for us (F2P community), their would not be an active 20-24 bracket. The only reason 24s exist is to be able to beat on the 20s. If you'd really be a twink with good sportsmanship, you would delete your 24 and play lvl 20 twinks (with chants and cata capacity). But instead you take advantage of your full game capacity and wreck f2p's arses with your 7 hunters and 2 prots pallies, which half of them are 24. On horde side ofc. (which is understandable and borderline)

Not only this, but then after you have the gutts to come farm our GY for half the BG. (Bracket has formal rules stated about being AGAISNT GY farming). and then whine about us farming yours whenever we have the opportunity to do so, even though I am agaisnt farming in general. Idk if you realize yet why f2p are complaining about 24s.

To me it's pretty simple, you guys are "body part name" to the f2p community. Maybe if you played with more sportsmanship agaisnt us we wouldnt bother to QQ/troll/rage on your poor lil forums.

I might get beat on by 24s in BGs, but atleast ill be 15$ richer than you by the end of this month.

~ Wanky

Wanky you made my day.
you could simply play a 20 toon with full cata capabilities and enchants (as I myself do), but you'd rather play at 24 to have that extra advantage.

Did you know that in the earliest days of the Olympics; in Greece, that the competitors ate specially prepared lizard meat and drank what they thought were magic potions in order to gain an edge?

The point of locked-exp bgs was to even the playing field

No the point of xp locked BG's was because people cried to Blizzard to 5 years about twinks pwning them as they leveled in the BG's. Blizzard doesn't support twinking. They call it a "nice playstyle." It was an attempt to shut people up.

Because twinking is supposed to be about having fun and being on the same lvl as your opponents, and you 24s go and ruin a good thing.

Pay for WoW and enjoy the same benefits that we do

Or stop noobin it up and come get on our lvl and have some fun.

24's are saying the same to you. Strange that people say WoW isn't worth paying for, but it's worth playing when it's free.
Everyone needs to just chill for **** sakes. We all get it. F2P's hate 24's for their own reasons. 24's hate F2P's for their own reasons. Some people camp the GY, some people don't...on both sides. Let's just move on and play the game. Doesn't constantly fighting with your words on an internet website ever get tiring for you guys?

Everyone needs to just chill for **** sakes. We all get it. F2P's hate 24's for their own reasons. 24's hate F2P's for their own reasons. Some people camp the GY, some people don't...on both sides. Let's just move on and play the game. Doesn't constantly fighting with your words on an internet website ever get tiring for you guys?
Imho, 24s just need to grow thick skin. There will always be hate towards 24s, and the only way to cope with that is to ignore it and report it.

When 24s post in 20s section, everyone yells;" WTF, dude, it is f2p section, gtfo from this place, you are not welcome here ".

The same rules should be applied to 20s posting in the 24s forums. Otherwise, it is just plain hypocrisy and double standards.
you'll never be respected as a 24, get over it. if it means that much to you that someone thinks you're good roll a 20.

mainly you guys gotta stop acting like little *******, i feel so embarrassed for all of you.
The same rules should be applied to 20s posting in the 24s forums. Otherwise, it is just plain hypocrisy and double standards.

Problem is, there is no 24 section. Mods won't give us one. They claim it'll break down communication and cause a crap ton of chaos. What they fail to see is that it'll make thing perfect on this forum.

f2p's have their own place, they stay there and out of the 24 forum and mods ban 24's that start trouble in the f2p section.

24's would have our own forum, we stay there and out of the f2p section and mods would ban the f2p's that come to start trouble 24 section.

Neither group of players have any business posting in each others section. The only purpose the 20-24 section serves is a breeding ground for hate wars. It's pretty polarized issue: f2p's(and p2p's that limit themselves to 20) vs 24's in the BGs. There are no twink level 21's, or 22's or 23's. So why have a 20-24 section?

f2p's can discuss things that affect 20's which rarely affect level 24's. Level 24's can discuss things that affect 24's that rarely affect 20's.
WHAT A ******* CONCEPT IN A GAME!!111!111!!!!!!

Twinking eliminates the idea of fairness, unless everyone is twinked and everyone is the same level. And 24's have every right to be in the bracket. So to make things fair; pay for WoW. f2p's don't own the bracket, 24's don't either. But the chant of fairness is bullsh*t - Not from a 20 vs 24 point of view, but because twinks only came about as Cotus would say "greifing." Or doing what every competitor does; do everything to get an edge over the competition.

EDIT: It's actually pretty sad that people in this bracket refuse to understand that. People who have sponsors buy the best parts to build their bicycles, race cars and other equipment to help them get an edge. And it's very similar when you have a WoW subscription, you get 4 more levels, better weapons and enchants, the ability to form groups and others. Imagine this: The winner's circle, a race winner is enjoying the glory of winning and several of the other racers approach him and say: "We can't afford the type of car you drive, we can't afford the type of training you have, we can't afford the equipment. So you need to get rid of all that stuff because it's not fair."

In a perfect world, the winner would do just that, or the other racers would get the better equipment. But it's not a perfect world, nor will it ever be, and nothing in life, be it in a game, or at your job, or at home is ever fair.
Yeah I bet those professional cyclists go to the middle school championships and win all the time too.
I have seen the future!

The glorious future of the 24 bracket shall be built from the bloodied and defeated bodies of 20's.

Get over the hate and get on with building the future.

Stack the bodies of F2P until you can walk across wsg without touching dirt, it is the only way!



<I PAY YOU DIE> Dragonmaw server US

Recruiting today to build a better tomorrow.

I accept your challenge. I will quote every post I've made from now til the first of december in the 20-24 bracket section:

Feral: Faceroll Easy. If you can't figure out how to use Ravage, Mangle, and FB then there's just something wrong with you.

Resto: I would suggest you not to heal as Resto. Simply gear as a FC. Priorty is stam but dont be afraid to lose a few points in stam to gain a lot more int. And use a BoA Wep w/ SP.

Boomkin: In the right hands, an ultimate support class. They can do everything. Single-Target Burst dmg(w/ Haste CDs), Two Different DoTs, Offheal, CC(Roots), Thorns, and of course Travel Form(if needed u can also FC in a similar way as a Resto Druid would). Never Underestimate a Support Class Boomkin.


ur sig says otherwise.




Reported for double posting.



u kno u want to(;

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