Housing preview

We will be allowed to dump time and gold into the house for 5 months then randomly be locked out one day with no notice or info until they update the f2p/vet restrictions article saying they can't access houses.
Unlike the Warbank, which for my part, I was sure we wouldn't have access to; I feel like I've already read something about not having a sub NOT being a problem.
Couldn't link to the article if I had to save my arse, but I'm pretty sure that's a thing that won't happen.
As for farming up the goodies to put in our domicile... who knows?!
Unlike the Warbank, which for my part, I was sure we wouldn't have access to; I feel like I've already read something about not having a sub NOT being a problem.
Couldn't link to the article if I had to save my arse, but I'm pretty sure that's a thing that won't happen.
As for farming up the goodies to put in our domicile... who knows?!
Yeah I know what you are referring to. They said they wouldn't take your house away if your sub drops, but after the warbank stuff I can see them deciding to lock you out of it without a sub. Similar to how you can have battle pets but can't do pet battles.

My point was basically don't get too excited over this until you see if you can access it or not, and if you can keep accessing it.
Am I the only one who isnt excited about this even the tiniest bit?
Not trying to rain on anyones parade, if this is something you are looking forward to than fuck yeah I am happy for you,
I''m just like...... eh?
I already got most of my fill of wanting a house from playing SWTOR and the garrisons. So I'm not that excited over it either. Though thats in part from having that itch scratched already.
Am I the only one who isnt excited about this even the tiniest bit?
Join the club.
Not trying to rain on anyones parade, if this is something you are looking forward to than fuck yeah I am happy for you,
I''m just like...... eh?
To me, this is The Sims. It's just not for me. My prediction is nobody will be happy with the housing implemntation because housing means different things to different people. For example:
  1. Is it in the open world or are the neighbourhoods instanced? Personally, I think there's not enough space to make open world work and people will be upset that it's instanced;
  2. Will there be a gameplay impact? This could be as simple as an extra hearthstone (like garrisons). If yes, it'll become semi-mandatory to have a barebones house for the benefit. If not, what will the participation be like?
  3. How expensive will it be? Look at Warbank tab prices. If it's outrageously expensive (my best guess), people will not be happy;
  4. How big/customizable will it really be?
The best thing about player housing is, once we have it, I won't have to read another thread from people begging for it, usually saying "everyone" wants it. My guess is it will be very niche, beyond any gameplay implications.
SWGemu, ArcheAge, New World... Idk, this feature feels like a decade too late.

I think they should've revisited existing content (Garrisons) and refurbished it instead of adding something new. Looks nice, hopefuly it isnt too instanced.
While I kinda like the 'Idea' of player housing, for my own wants I don't feel like the Blizz system will satiate my wishes.
I don't want neighbors. I want a cliff-side hamlet out in the wild. I don't want wildly fanciful decor, just a gorgeous view & some soothing zone music.

I'm actually quite satisfied with being a murder-hobo & crashing at inns around the world.
I'd find it just as satisfying to have an additional Hearthstone to call a place 'home'
I enjoy having some toon's hearth set to Sun Rock Retreat & Shadowprey Village, Thelsemar & Feathermoon Stronghold.

I wish Blizz would do more in the way of fleshing out the NPC's & the wonderful little places in the WORLD of Warcraft,
instead of finding new ways to shrink the world down to a vestigial thing, dangeling from the edge of yet another instance portal.
SWGemu, ArcheAge, New World... Idk, this feature feels like a decade too late.

I think they should've revisited existing content (Garrisons) and refurbished it instead of adding something new. Looks nice, hopefuly it isnt too instanced.
I would have loved to have seen this added to the Pandaria Farm….. have some of ur friends from Pandaria visit…… who was the drunk…. Jogu or something like that :p

Also, in before we can walk through the front doorway but everyone other room in the house is level locked at 21 :HYPERKEKW:
We will be allowed to dump time and gold into the house for 5 months then randomly be locked out one day with no notice or info until they update the f2p/vet restrictions article saying they can't access houses.

I mean find the lie.

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