Only the war within - the rest is dead?


Hello everyone,

I've been quietly following the threads here for many months now, as it feels like 99% of all posts are about the last expansion.
My question now is, is there anyone still twinking in Classic or Cata? Or is the game really dead outside of the new expansion, which I really hate?
It feels kind of sad to be hanging out in the game all alone. I've built a few level 84 horde characters, but I often come across 3 or 4 alliance twinks in the battlegrounds. These are all the twinks I meet here and there, unfortunately on the wrong side. ;-) Is there anything else going on on the Horde side in Cata or Classic?

best regards
While I cant speak for others, for me personally twinking in any version of Classic (other than maybe SOD I guess?) mitigates the entire appeal of twinking for me.

For me, the fun of making a twink is about being on the cutting edge of whats new and what is possible at low levels, which requires current content rather than 20 year old stale content that has long since been solved. Classic is largely a static meta, I'm not interested in going backwards and re hashing stuff I have already done.

At that point its just a mid BR with extra steps.

I played Classic WHEN it was Retail, I have no desire to go back to that anymore than I would want to re live Highschool.

Despite its many flaws, Retail is still the current version of the game, and the only place where making a twink has any value to me.
So most twinks moved to the “classic fresh” servers after sod killed cata classics popularity.

The only active thing in cata classic atm is endgame. Same with sod. Classic fresh is where my friends are who play 19’s etc.

Where as retail is in fact current content and still has active bgs and guilds. But we are getting creeped by excessive player power and it’s become a 1 shotting sh<3t show.
F2P and many unsubbed vet20s are capped to the last expac. DF offers more than SL for twinks so it actually gets talked about where as SL other than predom one trinket, tmogs didn't have much for us

although official blizzard WOW games Classic versions regular, fresh, hardmode, etc, classic+ SOD, TBC, WOTLK, CATA, and soon MOP, imo are the same as private servers. twinking is short lived and on a time clock from the start
Hello everyone,

I've been quietly following the threads here for many months now, as it feels like 99% of all posts are about the last expansion.
My question now is, is there anyone still twinking in Classic or Cata? Or is the game really dead outside of the new expansion, which I really hate?
It feels kind of sad to be hanging out in the game all alone. I've built a few level 84 horde characters, but I often come across 3 or 4 alliance twinks in the battlegrounds. These are all the twinks I meet here and there, unfortunately on the wrong side. ;-) Is there anything else going on on the Horde side in Cata or Classic?

best regards
It is more just a question of where there are enough players generally. Blizzard has fragmented wow into so many different forms lower-level brackets often just don't have any regular players.
Hello everyone,

I've been quietly following the threads here for many months now, as it feels like 99% of all posts are about the last expansion.
My question now is, is there anyone still twinking in Classic or Cata? Or is the game really dead outside of the new expansion, which I really hate?
It feels kind of sad to be hanging out in the game all alone. I've built a few level 84 horde characters, but I often come across 3 or 4 alliance twinks in the battlegrounds. These are all the twinks I meet here and there, unfortunately on the wrong side. ;-) Is there anything else going on on the Horde side in Cata or Classic?

best regards
Classic anniversary pvp realm has good activity in midday through late evening in battlegrounds in 19-39. WPVP is really good as you have a ton of levels all crammed onto one server with anywhere from 4 to 7 layers. Played one battleground last night. It was a 30 second queue at 19. The encouraging part is there are many players building 19’s right now and the Meta has changed. It seems like more people are playing casters versus battlegrounds, full of hunters and rogues. Yes it’s been done before but it is fun. We’re only in phase 3 right now so we don’t have fishing hats or 15 agility etc. Population between Horde n alliance is pretty equal.
Thanks for the feedback. It seems that only level 19 really makes sense on a new classic realm. Unfortunately, the problem here is that you need a high-level character to help in instances. You also need a lot of professions at a high level. That's really tedious on the real classic servers. I have a few characters there at level 20 to 30 and I'm already fed up with leveling. Cata is somehow better, you play for 3 hours and even at level 60 you still manage 2 levels. In classic, it feels like you don't even manage one level in 3 hours.

Thanks again to the community
all brackets got some twinks in it on classic fresh. mainly 19s and 39s got solid games, but 29, 49 decent aswell. ppl just dont give a sh1t about this website for good reasons, is why it may seem dead. twinking communities are discords these days.
Thanks for the feedback. It seems that only level 19 really makes sense on a new classic realm. Unfortunately, the problem here is that you need a high-level character to help in instances. You also need a lot of professions at a high level. That's really tedious on the real classic servers. I have a few characters there at level 20 to 30 and I'm already fed up with leveling. Cata is somehow better, you play for 3 hours and even at level 60 you still manage 2 levels. In classic, it feels like you don't even manage one level in 3 hours.

Thanks again to
all brackets got some twinks in it on classic fresh. mainly 19s and 39s got solid games, but 29, 49 decent aswell. ppl just dont give a sh1t about this website for good reasons, is why it may seem dead. twinking communities are discords these days.
hey, as a returning vet im interested in those communities, can u share links to some?
Thank you all.

Allow me one more question. With MOP just around the corner, will there be an 89 community? Or will other brackets become popular again in Cata? What do you think?
Thank you all.

Allow me one more question. With MOP just around the corner, will there be an 89 community? Or will other brackets become popular again in Cata? What do you think?
I've been playing Cata twinking since the beginning on Cata classic, for context.

If MoP is anything similar to how Cata has evolved, there will be activity in the 85-89 bracket a few months following launch, followed with a complete dead community.

Take the level 10-14 bracket in Cata classic. The easiest, and first, pvp bracket to reach, and most abundant in number on launch. During pre-patch and Cata launch, the bracket was absolutely thriving. Fastest queues ever seen, given exp-on and exp-off are merged. <2 min WSG queues - all day long. Why? Tons of players returning following the hype train. Takes less than 30 minutes to get to level 10. Pvp is very bursty, so very appealing, specially at low level. Reach level 10, "lets queue for some pvp!!!!!" Levelers are met by me, and a handful of other level 10/14 twinks; discouraging, they stop queueing. Oh well, there are hundreds of thousands of people making new toons, so the bracket is constantly refreshed with new players.

2 months later, inactive queues. "Unavailable" queue times. Still to this day since the hype train has died down. Then comes the Joyous Journey Exp buff (+50%), the majority of people playing atm have their Heirlooms; people simply level from 1-15 too quickly to even bother queue up. Interest dies down, less new toons are made. Dead bracket.

Same will happen to 85-89. First 2 months everyone will be leveling their alts from 85 to 90. Some might try doing it via BGs. Twink early and hard, is my advice if you want to enjoy an 89 twink. As once the 85s are all 90, you wont be seeing any BG pops.

To answer your original post, I am still very active on my level 10 Rogue (see signature link). I mainly world pvp on an Alliance predominant PvP server (99.7% Alliance population) on a Horde twink. So I just constantly harass levelers in Redridge/Duskwood/Northern STV. You are right though, there are maybe less than 5 people I personally know that twink on Cata classic. The majority have shifted to Era Anniv for PvP, TWW for PvE and/or scheduled Wargames.
Oh man, thanks @Sponsor for your detailed feedback. It's almost impossible to build a good '89 Twink in a few weeks, isn't it? And then only for 2 or 3 months.

In Classic (20 years ago), Twink felt like it would last forever. It even lasted until TBC. If necessary, you'd buy new pants to put a new patch on it, but overall, you could have almost 4 years of fun.

If anyone has an idea for twink fun outside of retail or has a server or even a (new) project, please contact us here.

Thanks to everyone who looked here and especially responded.
Oh man, thanks @Sponsor for your detailed feedback. It's almost impossible to build a good '89 Twink in a few weeks, isn't it? And then only for 2 or 3 months.

In Classic (20 years ago), Twink felt like it would last forever. It even lasted until TBC. If necessary, you'd buy new pants to put a new patch on it, but overall, you could have almost 4 years of fun.

If anyone has an idea for twink fun outside of retail or has a server or even a (new) project, please contact us here.

Thanks to everyone who looked here and especially responded.

Yeah it would be a massive time and gold investment/waste to only benefit from it for a few months.

It sure did feel that way. All these various WoW versions have divided us too thin.

As Bilbo would say: "like butter scraped over too much bread" (Bilbo Baggins, 3a).
Hello everyone,

I've been quietly following the threads here for many months now, as it feels like 99% of all posts are about the last expansion.
My question now is, is there anyone still twinking in Classic or Cata? Or is the game really dead outside of the new expansion, which I really hate?
It feels kind of sad to be hanging out in the game all alone. I've built a few level 84 horde characters, but I often come across 3 or 4 alliance twinks in the battlegrounds. These are all the twinks I meet here and there, unfortunately on the wrong side. ;-) Is there anything else going on on the Horde side in Cata or Class
my girlfriend and I are twinking cata, and we see others on the opposing side. we are horde on pagle but intend to move. I think a little organizing can get things cooking.

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