Level 70s are ruining the game and should be banned by blizzard


Dusted off my mage that I havent touched since MoP remix.
Queued up for the Crown Chemical Co dungeon
51 minutes later (holy shit 51 minute queue are you kidding me blizzard)
My in all greens unenchanted mage #rekt shit. I dont even know what buttons I was pushing. I was just spamming whatever.

Clearly level 70s need to be nerfed as they are ruining the game for everyone else.


(PS this is complete sarcasm aimed at those who talk to their therapist about level 11 twinks)
Dusted off my mage that I havent touched since MoP remix.
Queued up for the Crown Chemical Co dungeon
51 minutes later (holy shit 51 minute queue are you kidding me blizzard)
My in all greens unenchanted mage #rekt shit. I dont even know what buttons I was pushing. I was just spamming whatever.

Clearly level 70s need to be nerfed as they are ruining the game for everyone else.

(PS this is complete sarcasm aimed at those who talk to their therapist about level 11 twinks)
On a serious note, for me TWW has been a massive disapointment because it pretty much made everything worse. It killed the TW gearing community (by scaling the dungeon to the toon instead of the toon down to level 30/35/40/45, depnding on the expansion). But my biggest complaint is that the level 70+ scaling is SO BAD. WoW has suffered this problem from the first day content scaling was added (Legion?). It was laid bare in MoP Remix where being level 50-70 was absolutely awful. Remix allowed you to skip these awful levels with mailed tokens so it wasn't so bad.

But a 70 in 10.3 DF gear is so ridiculously more powerful than 71-79s and even 80s before they're properly geared that it's ridiculous. Levelling just feels awful in TWW. I queue a TW dungeon and get in a group of all level 77-79s and know immediately this is going to be a slog and no fun whatsoever.

This is made worse because TW ilvl scaling doesn't match DF ilvl scaling. In 10.3 getting ilvl 480+ was trivial. I mean the prepatch event dropped 480 gear like candy. But TWW expects you to be ilvl ~400 at 70. Normal DF dungeons drop ilvl 467 gear at 70. TWW dungeons drop ilvl 405 (IIRC) at 70. Like whose bright idea was this?

The thing is, it was even worse than this. Blizzard nerfed 70-79s a week into the expansion.

We're getting an ilvl squish in Midnight AFAIK. But I fully expect an 11.2 (I don't think there'll be an 11.3 patch in TWW) geared 80 will be way more fun than a Midnight 81-90 so my current plan is to not buy the expansion at all. I certainly don't care at all about player housing.
I think I'm just going to delete my account because my 1-80s are toxic to the community and make it unfair to the average cellar dweller.

I have a bunch of 60s from when I decided dragon flight was not my cup of tea and took a break. Thinking of sticking them all in timeout
instead of leveling them. I have 80s but I can't for the life of me do the end game grind every xpac for eternity. Twinking 10-50 has been
a blast, unless I need something farmed with my 80s they're just collecting dust at this point. If they decide to shift all my current gear to
junk then I'll probably switch to casual ftp.
Levelling just feels awful in TWW.
yep. its felt awful since they introduced dynamic mob/zone scaling. I've got a few soapboxes and dynamic mob/zone scaling is a big one. It fucking sucks.

The answer, of course, is "just go play classic, old man" and thats fair. But at this point I feel like WoW should just do away with levels. Find a different way to distribute talent points (maybe via quest reward or zone completion or something) and just lean into a different form of player progression altogether. Levels as player progression are a relic that (quite honestly) seems to be holding Retail back.
I love your ability to respectfully mess with people. Your messages are a pleasure to the eye.

yep. its felt awful since they introduced dynamic mob/zone scaling. I've got a few soapboxes and dynamic mob/zone scaling is a big one. It fucking sucks.

The answer, of course, is "just go play classic, old man" and thats fair. But at this point I feel like WoW should just do away with levels. Find a different way to distribute talent points (maybe via quest reward or zone completion or something) and just lean into a different form of player progression altogether. Levels as player progression are a relic that (quite honestly) seems to be holding Retail back.
Never really thought about it but that makes a lot of sense.
Levels are more of a slight delay serving as a "slower" talent point delivery, a bit of zone structure (higher level zones unlocked later though it's not too relevant) and really just is seen as a chore more than an adventure and even taking it slowly is still too fast -at least to my liking.
There isn't enough time to really enjoy an xpac between level 10 and 70, and the only reason to even consider any level other than max is twinking which is niche on its best day and not even have that good of a reputation.

Maybe making the zone structure via tougher mobs rather than extra levels and find some way for talents to get unlocked (or just maybe even making them all unlocked from the start) could make the game better.
A level-less WoW sure sounds weird but seeing how much those mean now it's already more or less true.

Dusted off my mage that I havent touched since MoP remix.
Queued up for the Crown Chemical Co dungeon
51 minutes later (holy shit 51 minute queue are you kidding me blizzard)
My in all greens unenchanted mage #rekt shit. I dont even know what buttons I was pushing. I was just spamming whatever.

Clearly level 70s need to be nerfed as they are ruining the game for everyone else.


(PS this is complete sarcasm aimed at those who talk to their therapist about level 11 twinks)
Yeah 70s are broken, perhaps the most broken level of twinks as, while 11s are faster at dungeon clearing, 70s can do so much more while being more versatile and still overtuned as hell.

But hey, all twinks are broken in some way, that's the charm of it.
As long as y'all are being nice fellas ;)
Dusted off my mage that I havent touched since MoP remix.
Queued up for the Crown Chemical Co dungeon
51 minutes later (holy shit 51 minute queue are you kidding me blizzard)
My in all greens unenchanted mage #rekt shit. I dont even know what buttons I was pushing. I was just spamming whatever.

Clearly level 70s need to be nerfed as they are ruining the game for everyone else.


(PS this is complete sarcasm aimed at those who talk to their therapist about level 11 twinks)
Dusted off my mage that I havent touched since MoP remix.
Queued up for the Crown Chemical Co dungeon
51 minutes later (holy shit 51 minute queue are you kidding me blizzard)
My in all greens unenchanted mage #rekt shit. I dont even know what buttons I was pushing. I was just spamming whatever.

Clearly level 70s need to be nerfed as they are ruining the game for everyone else.


(PS this is complete sarcasm aimed at those who talk to their therapist about level 11 twinks)
Funny that... looks like Bliz talked to their therapist about 11's.

& yeah, the most absurdly OP toon ive played with in the last 4 months was a Mythic raid geared Prot pally I got to heal for a few random TW's

Dude completely wiped his arse with 3 consecutive instances en-route to lvl 75, pausing forward motion only to glare fiercly at bosses before they disintigrated.

Made these drool-sprinkler fury 11's look like moldy gizz=socks.

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