been in several situations like this, first off because i have been gearing seven 10s. players rage when this occurs, my DHs can kill 1-3 of 5 in a party. my BM monk today took out 4 players. i was on a 20 ret pal, there was a twink 14 fury war in the group on this dungeon, i knew it was coming and bubbled, the fury wiped 3 of the group.LOl Got em
Everyone died in 1 shot to my fireballs of justice. And yes I did solo the boss after murdering everyone.
the geared 80s take this hard and get rather vocal. they inspect, are puzzled, and usually someone has to tell them about the scaling. the M+ type addon johnnies generally don't roll their end of fight DPS display, but they are watching and rage about or question DPS also. some ask why the mobs are dying so fast.
have had some 80s try to run ahead, rage when they die