Mists of Pandaria Remix

Not without help - The achievement requires a Raid which is Mogu'shan Vaults (25-70) minimal to queue @lvl 25
You only need 2/4 of the criteria for the achievement. You should be able to to get kill credit for elusive foes, and grind the golden lotus rep at least in theory. Idk about August Celestials rep. I was just wondering if there was a way to go about it that is more approachable for a 20, because otherwise I think I'm gonna pass.
You only need 2/4 of the criteria for the achievement. You should be able to to get kill credit for elusive foes, and grind the golden lotus rep at least in theory. Idk about August Celestials rep. I was just wondering if there was a way to go about it that is more approachable for a 20, because otherwise I think I'm gonna pass.

Exclusive Foes maybe, the reputation on a level 20 without the farm [replaced with Time running NPCs] isn't as viable without assistance.
I'm way out of the loop. Having a migraine rn and too air headed to go through reading the previous stuff. Can someone tell me if this charade is worth the trouble? And if there is anything worth getting/grinding for as a Warlock pure f2p main? And will stuff be carried to the normal gameplay?
I had August Celestials dailies available in the Jade Temple area for a couple of days, but they are gone now. I don't know why they left, whether it was questing, or some rep limit, or something else. I haven't found any other dailies for them yet.
Got the fancy shiny back thingies, with a 20, took a bit of time with @Conzil but now we solo/duo smoothly

Is this version of the game possibly why regular battleground queue times are very very long for free play? Used to wait only 10-30 mins to enter a battleground.
Lately it's over an hour+ and sometimes they don't even appear.
I had August Celestials dailies available in the Jade Temple area for a couple of days, but they are gone now. I don't know why they left, whether it was questing, or some rep limit, or something else. I haven't found any other dailies for them yet.

I believe the dailies rotate randomly. Have to just keep checking Jade Temple (also at Shrine of the Seven Stars) and wait for August Celestials to come up for that day.
The dailies for Golden Lotus and other factions start with an intro quest. They are likely not available to us F2p since the zones are level 25+
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thanks the macro worked show i have 1188 threads om my 220 cloak

what is needed for XI 2200?

4200 for XII?
I had August Celestials dailies available in the Jade Temple area for a couple of days, but they are gone now. I don't know why they left, whether it was questing, or some rep limit, or something else. I haven't found any other dailies for them yet.
In retail, you can do 2/4 zones for Celestials dailies (npc in shrine can tell you, where to go) - due to zone level, no townlong, and krasarang only showing starting quest but not following.
In remix, kunlai is also lost for us, due to zone 25+ now.
So, only JadeF can work here - when it comes from rng zone rotation.
I'm way out of the loop. Having a migraine rn and too air headed to go through reading the previous stuff. Can someone tell me if this charade is worth the trouble? And if there is anything worth getting/grinding for as a Warlock pure f2p main? And will stuff be carried to the normal gameplay?

You can get mounts, transmogs and achievements (many achievements that would not be possible as F2P on normal retail, like heroic dungeons).
My main reason for playing this Remix is to create some new toons that will have flying after the event ends and to create some novelty level 10/11 toons like DK and Demon Hunter. Although, I read that you have to gain at least 1 level for your character to be kept after the event ends. So, lv 10's on Remix may not make it back to normal WoW.
You can get mounts, transmogs and achievements (many achievements that would not be possible as F2P on normal retail, like heroic dungeons).
My main reason for playing this Remix is to create some new toons that will have flying after the event ends and to create some novelty level 10/11 toons like DK and Demon Hunter. Although, I read that you have to gain at least 1 level for your character to be kept after the event ends. So, lv 10's on Remix may not make it back to normal WoW.
So it's mostly cosmetic stuff (Aside from flying). No strong gear/trinkets to go for I'm assuming since they don't carry?
Is there a way to get Vale of Eternal Blossoms and Astral Emperor's Serpent on a 20 without help from a higher level?
Looks like we may be able to get the Golden Lotus rep after all. I've been getting 3200 rep for killing certain rares and 160 rep for each normal mob (humanoids in the northwest mostly).
Casters trying to solo kill these rares/mobs will have a really difficult time due to the miss chance.
It's a slow grind killing solo with my lv 20 druid, but doable.

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