Rogue race

Boomer here coming back for some twink action. I have a level 17 troll rogue already but I'm worried I might regret not being orc. Would you reroll orc now or stick with troll?

Blood fury gives 36ap for 15 seconds while berzerking gives 10 to 43 percent haste... Troll also have 4 more agility heh.

Let me know what you think!
I would go for aesthetics, my man. At the end of the day I would go with the character you want to look at and makes you feel good about playing it. I'm more of an undead player myself. Hardiness of orcs is also op as shit, lol.
Reroll to Undead or Orc female. If not, you'll regret it or get furious when a dwarf female or human female FC jumps through the face and you're stuck doing a jump to catch them. But if you don't care about objectives, anything is fine and do you :)
Thanks for the replies guys. I think I'll reroll an orc female. I wonder if I can clear the dungeon on my main, could I solo the rare boss at 29 to get the +3 agility bow..?

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