LF any help with my 70 Mage


Curious about areas of gear I could improve upon;
The spellfire set is off the table due to being hyper expensive to make/buy
The Charlotte's Ivy / Lola's Eve is also off the table until I can find some at a reasonable price


For those of you curious this char is the same as Incinderella, jut the server change incurred a name change :)
With those off the table there won't be many major improvements available. I would maybe consider farming 2 pieces of the heroic mana-etched set (gloves, shoulders or chest) - you would lose some haste, but gain more crit. Sidegrade, imo, and crit value is dependent on the spec you play. Also, if you think 3 int and 2 stam are better than 4 crit and 4 haste, look into getting https://ptr.wowhead.com/item=50309/shriveled-heart&bonus=4120 .

Both of these suggestions are for once 8.1.5 hits and the ilvl bump that comes with it.

The broken Kara trinket is apparently getting fixed, so look for replacements. Something on-use to line up with Arcane Power may be nice. Off the top of my head, Vengeance of the Illidari is a good on-use SP trinket with a 1.5 min CD, hopefully you didn't do the quest in HFP when leveling.
Thanks, will be looking into these.
Was already looking into replacements for Violet Eye trink, will take a look at that one you mentioned
black temple farming it is then
but thats only the first boss right
Cant remember exactly, I'll test it later.
I think its about 60-70 int though
16000 79 twinks vs 16000 79 twinks wargame when?
get on it

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