EU Couldkeeper leggings

Ninja’d the Legs how? I joined the group looted them and went about my day I didn’t have to stay in the group. Seems you are just angry that I didn’t give the warrior them for free
We know now that you don't know what farming in group means, and how you appreciate ppl using multiple accounts just for the sake of the group. Hope you'll like playing on your own on 39.

Btw, glad you weren't there to see the second EU Edward drop.

You're welcome and have fun.
you are so dumb lol why would he give you something for free if it dropped for him and he can make money off it, I know lets get an item worth over a mil and give it to this randy for free hahaha get a life stop crying
So you are on this thread calling me out for not following the rules that you didn’t tell me before joining the group. No one spoke about sharing loot till the legs dropped, so why would I just give up the legs. Seemed pretty strange to me that rule was only spoke about when an item dropped that someone needed.
Yes he can make money off it, ofc, we and his guildmates also know how much we are gonna invite him when we go farm next. Just giving out the info. And gratz at the future buyer.

also btw, that is how we usually did it here @39s EU : Hannas were traded, edwards are traded, Boomsticks, sashes of mercy and robes of insight, and freezing bands, and destinys, and so on traded to people in group that actually needed them and helped farming them. I know it might sound weird or "dumb" for hilbillies, but maybe someday you can get there too.

It sounds weird and dumb because it is. Nobody cares youre upset that you didnt get the personal loot drop, get over yourself, dont invite the guy again if he gives you so much anxiety and you know, maybe make it clear that loot sharing is intended and by the looks of it, mandatory in your groups.
it can cost you a guild and farming friends also, specially when you are helped by a guy who uses two accounts to get those and invites you cause you're in the same guild. Then you don't even have the courtesy of trading them but rather sell them, and leave the group right after the loot.
I'll be glad when you stop twinking in a couple of weeks. /spit
Why be sour over personal loot? I would be happy for him if he was a member in my party. Just last week a friend of mine got Cloudkeepers. Yeah, he used it on his Pally rather than selling it (congrats again phools!), but regardless these items are so rare that I am just hyped to see them in the loot log. I have been using 2 accounts, which my monk has been perma parked at Silithus for over a few weeks. Never do I ask anything in return for hosting these parties everyday for myself and the community. Stop thinking people owe you something. It isn't old WoW where you could ninja loot, It is 2018 my friend. Congratulations to ya Boomy. Hope you can use that money to achieve either BiS or future use on new twinks! :)
ye, good. Now, on EU alliance, almost all of the regular farmers are there helping each other with group loot.
After the roasting he got in guild and on the community chan he can go look for personal loot on dead realms with his friends now, or level his toon in a few days too (this kind of people never last), good riddance. Nothing else we can do. as i said before gz @ the buyer, and a special thanks to those who come help with second accounts or higher level alts farming and get recognition and also the loots they deserve in return for their effort. The rest is just an educational issue.

I never got roasted in guild chat and why are you still commenting on this thread. You are taking wow far to seriously if it has pissed you off this much.

Did the person invite him because it was an act of kindness or because he/she wanted all drops to go to him/her? If it's the former it was simply and act of kindness that led to some lucky rng for the OP. You can't retroactively turn that act of kindness into a reason as to why OP should trade the legs. I hate when people do this irl. What starts out as a "good deed" turns into a favor in which they feel the receiving party owes them something whenever the need arises.

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