Recent content by zazzyfraz

  1. zazzyfraz

    The War Within Level 21-29s Armory Gonna level to 22 first before doing dragonslayer bow quest
  2. zazzyfraz


  3. zazzyfraz

    Weekly Wargames Schedule (US 20s)

  4. zazzyfraz

    Beware! XP unlocked. Aka free gametime 1-4 aug.

    i wasnt aware that gear update reset your xp. thanks for mentioning this, never seen it elsewhere but i havent looked at gear update info since it came out. does it do banked, or just your XP bar, or both?
  5. zazzyfraz

    Currently Listening To...

  6. zazzyfraz

    10.2.6 Twink Changes in this gear i have 3600 hp in bg, 4300 with priest and feast. i had 158 speed with 26 gems, which is 48.03% in a 29 scaled bg, almost at the cap of 49% i heal for 2766 per 10s, with my character you could also add 1...
  7. zazzyfraz

    Enchanting fixed

    cant apply the dragonflight belt thingy to my i87 before and after patch
  8. zazzyfraz

    F2P Traveler's Log Guide i have no idea if you can do these. maybe party syncing one could work too;0+3+1+2...
  9. zazzyfraz

    F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    nightborne start with 6/11 chapters completed of the suramar storyline, fully unlocking the shal aran town and its cosmetic upgrades. you also get exalted rep. you can even pick up the mana divining stone item from thalyssra (a spammable animation that doesnt share CD with anything at all)
  10. zazzyfraz

    F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    vet - Logging into a character who was once nightborne gave me the 10 quests in suramar for +100
  11. zazzyfraz

    forgot password? lol

    forgot password? lol
  12. zazzyfraz

    F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    I got up here by malfunction nitro belt + goblin glider. didnt test on alliance training dummies. this is on a unsub vet Discover True Relief Reach 250 stacks of Relieving Frustration by attacking dummies during the quest "The Gift of Relief". +50
  13. zazzyfraz

    F2P Traveler's Log Guide

    the Op is updated with objectives that work, this one is not on the list that has been posted there
  14. zazzyfraz

    passwor forgor

    passwor forgor
  15. zazzyfraz

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory resto druid i would like to get haste/mast belt and haste/mast ring for healing, and crit/vers belt and crit/vers rings for damage. (and haste/vers bracers) i will occasionally farm auchindoun boss #1 while in bg queue but its...