Recent content by yoh

  1. yoh

    Twink Nostalgia Thread

    The YouTuber Era in Shadowlands... Cataclysm F2P times... worst times when community died cuz of 29s
  2. yoh

    Thx gonna check out

    Thx gonna check out
  3. yoh

    Where are the lvl 20 PvP YouTuber do they exist?

    Where are the lvl 20 PvP YouTuber do they exist?
  4. yoh

    Classic Cataclysm 19 twinks Que Up ;) *EU

    Classic Cataclysm 19 twinks Que Up ;) *EU
  5. yoh

    Alucard The Seductive

    Wow 2 weeks of just hitting bgs for this video xD It was worth it tho :D liked and subscribed <3
  6. yoh

    Alucard The Seductive

    How long did you take for this montage? Creating and gettin clips?
  7. yoh

    Alucard The Seductive

    Just EPIC every scene damn Alucard you are a Beast
  8. yoh

    Alucard Warlock Guide

    Hmm I have to test it out are there any cool potions to get?
  9. yoh

    Alucard Warlock Guide

    Alch just for flask? Nothing more? That’s boring :(
  10. yoh

    Alucard Warlock Guide

    Hmm well that’s when you pure f2p I guess but I’m talkin when I have gametime to go vet
  11. yoh

    Alucard Warlock Guide

    Yea I can imagine btw what professions are the best for warlock in your opinion
  12. yoh

    Alucard Warlock Guide

    WoW you have so many macros why tho?
  13. yoh

    Alucard Warlock Guide

    You play demo aswell?
  14. yoh

    Alucard Warlock Guide

    Really hyped for your next video I improved playing warlock because of you :D thank you so much Alu I Hope you will doing more guides really looking for that
  15. yoh

    Alucard Warlock Guide

    Alucard can you showcase your macros in a video? And what type of macros do you use?