Recent content by Xmp

  1. Potion Bomb of Power (FIXED) this freakin' thing one-shoting everything no matter what quality is it
  2. How is hpally nowadays?

    HPala is not that bad on a small BG's: Great burst heal, some cleave heal with beacon of light and aura master good big cd for group def. Pretty tanky and have self save options
  3. The War Within F2P Baseline Guide

    am i correct that WotLK helm can't proc with socket ? or it also ruled like TBC helms?
  4. The War Within F2P Baseline Guide

    is it possible to get socket on the Runeblade of Baron Rivendare ?
  5. New broken item (Fixed)

    and guess it will be fix soon like a evoks starter gear or legion green boe's in SHL
  6. New broken item (Fixed)

    you need access to auction, tww no need
  7. New broken item (Fixed)

    Heyo. it's my first post at all. Just cheking new updates and see that...