Recent content by Tootwinkforu

  1. WTS Riding Turtle Snappy! *soon*

    Hey twinkinfo! This is Critangel (couldn't find my password for that account ) anyways..... I know i posted a thread last september about selling a saltwater snapjaw. I had quite a few interested in it (particularly grunge hahah). I am now for real going to get the physical card later this week...
  2. Name change mod read plz :)

    Hey, it's tootwinkforu(now Critangel). I just changed my name with a character transformation and was wondering if a moderator could please change my name on forums to Critangel instead of Tootwinkforu(not sure if u can but, I might as well ask lol). Please get to me on this ty :). Edit...
  3. Achievement points!

    ^titles. Only one's I can think of atm for 19's are. of the Alliance/Horde, Diplomat, The Noble, The Explorer, Ambassador. Hope that helped :) -Crit
  4. My Gold Guide !

    Great guide just read over it, I mainly mine on my DK right now with Gatherer, great stuff easy money with mining :D. Hey but 1 question I was reading bout the strathholme thing um I dun know to much bout it.. like are the mats still selling for a good amount, what lvl should I be to start it...
  5. WTS Wrangler's wristbands of the monkey 3/3

    tyvm inko. Still selling those items peeps :)
  6. WTS Wrangler's wristbands of the monkey 3/3

    oh srry It's US not EU
  7. WTS Wrangler's wristbands of the monkey 3/3

    Hey other thread had the wrong info lol, but anyways I'm taking offers they are on arygos side. I am also selling level 1 bank twink item antique silver cufflinks on the same realm. Also have wranglers wristbands of the monkey 2/2. Note: this is on horde side. Edit: US
  8. US @19s, The Ruin Battlegroup Migration & Qs (U.S.)

    K good to know tyvm. But are all of the pings the same? like will some servers lag and others really good ping for me? or are they all gonna be the same? cause just asking cause of lag on some realms
  9. US @19s, The Ruin Battlegroup Migration & Qs (U.S.)

    Tyvm for the confirmation from both of you :D. Oh yes 1 more thing, what realm in ruin should I transfer to? or does it really matter? I'm west coast so just wonderin
  10. US @19s, The Ruin Battlegroup Migration & Qs (U.S.)

    Loyal lvl 19 twink here tootwinkforu, I have a important question. I quit WoW because of not being able to get in bg que's, my realm is the forgotten coast and even when their we're que's they were slow and it isn't a twink realm at all. But anyways I have read this thread and I got excited...