Recent content by Sushibanks

  1. Might come to 85s - Few Questions!

    You can only bump once per day. Stay 70, don't do 85.
  2. WTS or WTT Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops//Lvl 25 Guild

    Bump, Game Time Ending in a week, any offers!
  3. WTS or WTT Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops//Lvl 25 Guild

    The buyer stalled and didn't want to buy it seems like. I only have a few days left on Game Time, any bids on this thing? highest gets all of these things! Post bids below.
  4. WTS or WTT Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops//Lvl 25 Guild

    Items and guild on hold for sosanky for $200 in itunes on monday
  5. WTS or WTT Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops//Lvl 25 Guild

    Bump, looking for $150-$250 in itunes for all of those items.
  6. WTS or WTT Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops//Lvl 25 Guild

    PMed you, come on, some of you have left over itunes from friends and family during Christmas or w.e!
  7. WTS or WTT Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops//Lvl 25 Guild

    Perenolde WTS or WTT Recipe: Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops WTT Lvl 25 Guild, 7 bank tabs, 1060 Achievement Points 1st Tab Notable (Estimate 75k) 191x Sha Crystals 4x Dancing Steel 1x Jade Spirit 10k in Other Mats 2nd Tab Notable (Estimate 45k) 6x Beholder Eyes Relic of Xuen (Agil) 2...
  8. WTB Blizz Services

    Close thread, don't need anymore
  9. WTB Blizz Services

    WTB Guild Xfer from Perenolde to Kel Thuzad Itunes Gift Card for Gold on Perenolde WTS On Perenolde Recipe: Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops
  10. 70 Twink 3v3 arena tournament

    Anatomy's NAO was amazing. Follow his rules etc.. Idk if you were 70 when the 3v3 competition went on last year. Search it up on the forums
  11. Trading Gold

    Trading Gold on Perenolde for gold on - Blackwing Lair, Arthas, and Kel'Thuzad. Can discuss prices. Buying Guild xfer from Perenolde to a server of my choice ($35). Payment is in gold on Perenolde. PM if you have questions