Recent content by Stabilt

  1. Stabilt

    The War Within Level 21-29s Armory wip but im grinding the ah hard
  2. Stabilt

    Boom! lvl 20 marksman hunter twink pvp

    Is tracking not in the game anymore?
  3. Stabilt

    SL Guide and FAQs

    100% mountspeed wont make hunters as dominant, relax
  4. Stabilt

    wtb epic feathered cape req 19 on NA pm me

    wtb epic feathered cape req 19 on NA pm me
  5. Stabilt

    @Hayyleeqt do you know if its 24 hrs after u complete the quest or when daily quests reset?

    @Hayyleeqt do you know if its 24 hrs after u complete the quest or when daily quests reset?
  6. Stabilt

    can you only get a cache from party syncing once on each quest or does it reset daily?

    can you only get a cache from party syncing once on each quest or does it reset daily?
  7. Stabilt

    anyone funding 19s on EU realms? :)

    anyone funding 19s on EU realms? :)
  8. Stabilt

    EU WTB ilvl 28 Thorbias

  9. Stabilt

    EU WTB ilvl 28 Thorbias

  10. Stabilt

    Who thing is the best lvl 20 hunter out there?

    Incend could mean higher burst with aimed shot crit+incend proc in the same global but the odds of that happening aint great.. Better of having consistent burst with Argus as its ~10% flat damage increase imo! + the 16 stam
  11. Stabilt

    Who thing is the best lvl 20 hunter out there? This with thorbias and quickblade satchel ring
  12. Stabilt

    EU WTB ilvl 28 Thorbias

  13. Stabilt

    EU WTB ilvl 28 Thorbias

  14. Stabilt

    EU WTB ilvl 28 Thorbias

  15. Stabilt

    EU WTB ilvl 28 Thorbias
