Recent content by Slyfox

  1. <Dominate> Classic Guild

    Without much success, as far as I can tell. Will def be good though when more twinks guilds have enough to field a real 10 man.
  2. <Dominate> Classic Guild

    Yeah man I don't think I got a chance to play with you on the PTR but I'm sure you'll recognize a bunch of the OG's who are back. Anarcan is GM, we wouldn't have it any other way. He's not on a lot but we wouldn't do a premade without him. The rest of the time, we have plenty of old Dominate...
  3. <Dominate> Classic Guild

    That's an easy answer. Dominate on Lightbringer was mostly just randos that I picked up in recruiting on that server. Anarcan barely ever played and only had about 2/3 of the gear. Freezaholic played for a while early on (and he and I ran a lot of defense in long games that frustrated 4-6 man...
  4. <Dominate> Classic Guild

    Some of us from Dominate did some of the private servers.... we had like 6-7 of us on Feenix back in like 2013 or something. And then 4-5 of us played the Lights Hope server and whatever it was called before that. But without a doubt Classic has brought back more OG's than I've seen since...
  5. <Dominate> Classic Guild

    Oh damn I can't believe you're back man! So much old Dominate - Professors drama that needs to be rehashed now by men in their 30's, 40's, and 50's! hahaha Good to see you back playing. Dominate is getting back most of our core players.
  6. <Dominate> Classic Guild

    Server first guild created!
  7. <Dominate> Classic Guild

    I def wasn't dude. I was talkin about Whira and just reminiscing. He and i both specced as stam rogues back when it was all pug stomping and we didn't know any better.
  8. <Dominate> Classic Guild

    So you're in touch with Nitpick? Nice man. How about Whira? Stam rogues gonna be makin a big comeback. :)
  9. Warlords of Warsong Classic - Mankrik

    This is such a great compliment dude! I totally agree. We're luck f*ckin Cobra Kai's and Anarcan is Johnny Lawrence.
  10. Classic lvl 19 Twink Tier List

    Bro this is a revival, we take this shiz SERIOUSLY. :)
  11. <Dominate> Classic Guild

    Hello no. WC not dispellable. Conc shot is. Warrior on d isn't bad at all man. Works for sure in vanilla. But warrior is killer on O. 12 second undispellable slow is super pro. can't keep a druid fc slowed, but you can peels his healers off of him, especially while he's playing Parkour on...
  12. <Dominate> Classic Guild

    Yeah dude. Sheep lasts fucking forever, gets diminishing returns, and then if you don't sheep for about 15-20 seconds, it resets again back to 20 seconds. Fucking crazy. Undispellable slows are a huge part of the game since so much of the meta is about jumping around Horde ToT or ally fence...
  13. <Dominate> Classic Guild

    Very true. But if you wanna get back into vanilla shape, you need to remember the importance of polymorph in the equation too. Sheep lasts like 20 seconds first cast, 10 seconds second, and so on. You can easily keep someone sheeped for 40 seconds with minimal effort. Extremely powerful...
  14. <Dominate> Classic Guild

    Our discord, bro! We all there! Gimme your tag on discord I'll send you an invite.
  15. Classic lvl 19 Twink Tier List

    Did you bind it to a strafe function? Or was there a legit reason to backpeddle in a rogue duel? I never got into 1v1 rogue duels so don't know. By the time arena was out I was playing priest 80% of the time.