Recent content by Rutledge2

  1. 40-49 q&a

    What should i do? My 49 twink is going to be a Rogue, and i'm wondering whats the best spec to do the most damage, and have good survivability? and if i need to know anything else for my rogue please let me know. Name: Tyrannize Realm: Daggerspine Thank you :)
  2. EU+US Welcome 49s

    A friend needs help with his Twink Priest... My friend is making a 49 twink priest, and hes wondering what spec he should go in, and what gear / talents. If anyone could be kind enough to make a set / spec for him, that would be great. Him and I will be pvp'ing together. Thank you =)
  3. EU+US Welcome 49s

    what are the Felbane weapons?
  4. EU+US Welcome 49s

    Thank you Falkor! I might i have more questions later on. :)
  5. EU+US Welcome 49s

    I need help with my 49 twink, please =) I'm new to the 40-49 bracket. I've made 19's all around, and two 29's. But i'm wanting to know whats the best gear / talents for a 49 rogue. I've looked some stuff up, but i'm just wanting to know if its the right stuff or not. This is what i have...