Recent content by Preheet

  1. Preheet

    US Project: GG Nineteen

    Hello all! I've recently decided to make a 19 twink, because Mythic Raiding seems to be making me throw keyboards out the window. I play a Mage on KT (Armory Link: Preheet @ Kel'Thuzad - Community - World of Warcraft) and I am always active. Here is my application: Horde or Alliance? My...
  2. Preheet

    Need 10 posts

    10 posts hype
  3. Preheet

    19 Feral Druid Twink LF People to play with

    Title says it all. Armory link: Imswag @ Kel'Thuzad - Community - World of Warcraft Crappy twink server. Hoping to get to Bleeding Hollow :*(