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  • Hey guys, I've got a question. Yesterday lvling my priest, this mage lvl 24 was doing hit kill in the bosses, going 100k+ dmg in BFA DG. How is that possible? He just sent me this website link and didnt explain anything. How is that possible?? Anyone to help me?
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    Reactions: Sketchbag
    Plaguefall mate, more precisely a trinket from the last boss. Here, read this guide.
    I checked, but unfortunately works until lvl 29... quite unnecessary for the price and work... But thank you!!
    Twinking is all about price and work. The trinket(s) only work in certain timelines. Be sure the trinket(s) are on your loot-spec table or have someone trade you the items. The Ooze trink is the easy one to get while the totem one from De Otherside is not easy. Both trinkets active will blow up the boss in the correct timeline.
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