Recent content by iscy

  1. Ambassador done

    There we go! Too bad I sort of lost interest in the 19 bracket before I finished getting fishing hat and AGM. I do have over 800 tastyfish on this char but no hat yet :( Now I can finally go play classic hardcore again ^^
  2. 49twink mount

    True, but did anyone try this in original wotlk? Perhaps we may infer a most likely outcome based on how it was 13 years ago?
  3. 49twink mount

    I was thinking about this... you can get the Venomhide Ravasaur because all the quests have 48 level req afaik. Does anyone know if faction change will get you the winterspring saber? I know that it works like that on retail at least. The Winterspring saber itself seems to have 58 level req
  4. 29 Question - Hunter

    I will answer the ones I can: 2. 15 agi on the >ilvl35 gloves from the STV gloves I think. 4. I think Bleeding crescent is only good for rogues with mongoose? 5. I would say yes. I'm fairly new to the bracket myself, but after 17:00 I get pops on EU within 20 minutes all the time, and often...
  5. Spriest hit cap?

    Hi! What is caster hit cap? Or, how much hit do I need to land all my spells on a level 29? I want to know how many points I should put in the talent vs. using the necklace with hit rating etc.
  6. non df account just made a dracthyr

    I guess this opens up for a few questions: 1. Will we be able to keep playing the dragon class after Jan 2nd if we create it now? 2. Will we be able to play the dragon class after Jan 2nd >level60 if we level it to 61, 62, 63 now? 3. If yes to the above, will we be put in xp on or off bracket...
  7. 19 Warsong Etiquette

    This might be a joke post and if so gj because its hilarious. But just for the record, I'll use whatever hacks/cheats I want. You go ahead and limit yourself. Do you see where your logic would lead in a hurry?
  8. 19 Warsong Etiquette

    Gonna throw in my two cents here: If the game is clearly lopsided (e.g. one team has a dedicated 1.7k+ hp FC and the other does not / one team has 3-4 fully decked out twinks and the other has 1) and I am practicing jumps, don't attack me. No one is impressed that a hunter that is carried by...
  9. Higher Learning tracking

    Hi! I just finished Higher Learning and I would like to share the track record I kept while scouting for the books. The blue simply indicates that it is the same book (i.e. the 'confirmed' book is the same that I then note if it is real or not). I will note that while the 3-4 hour respawn timer...
  10. [Ambassador] Rules for quest reputation shared for entire faction?

    Thank you very much! I didn't know about the Goblin factions, looks like you made me a 1-2k more reputation with those nasty gnomes! I tried Chen's empty keg on on my main and it was 19 rep for the faction writ large. I am already 9.4k revered with Stormwind so I expect to not need a single keg...
  11. [Ambassador] Rules for quest reputation shared for entire faction?

    I'm currently in the process of prepping my twink for the Ambassador title based on the assumption that faction change will come in the near future because a guildie told me so. So I have a night elf hunter that I'm questing on and I'm preparing to then race change to blood elf (because belf...
  12. Got Tabard of the Explorer!

    That sounds amazing! I also noticed that you're on Gehennas. You can add me Rian#2401 if you ever need a poorly geared uh DK to carry you! Twinks have to look out for each other! Working on getting a 2 seat mount but I'm really poor so you'll probably get Explorer before I'm done, haha. edit...
  13. Got Tabard of the Explorer!

    I thought some areas require warlock summons?
  14. Hunter weapons

    Oh. I'm that stupid. Thank you.
  15. Hunter weapons

    Hi! Second time today I'm asking a noob question. Why is Dignified Headmaster's Charge considered BiS over Repurposed Lava Dredger in the armory thread? Equipping Lava Dredger will give you: +1 stamina +6 agility (+15 fire resistance) +4 armor pen +9 attack power --------- -7 intellect -6 crit...